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Tiki Central / Locating Tiki

The Island House, Lucaya/Freeport, Grand Bahamas (restaurant)

Pages: 1 6 replies

Name:The Island House
country:Grand Bahamas

The influence of Polynesian Pop infiltrated the most unlikely places, including the Caribbean. Puamana and I have several items from various tiki locations in the Caribbean. This is our newest "old" discovery from the Bahamas. Puamana has the menu, I have the postcard (also thanks to her for tipping me off about it on eBay). I'll post pics of the postcard first:


Here's the Island House menu :

Zeta posted on Wed, Feb 4, 2009 1:25 PM

Nice! The A-frame modern building style, wahine and hibiscus but besides that, the planter's punch is the only thing Tiki in the menu, right? Cesar salad was invented in Tijuana.


The menu looks like a Bahamian attempt at Polynesian food. I have found that almost all tourist restaurants in the Bahamas have the same basic food, that they cover with what ever sauce goes with the "theme" of the restaurant. It is a shame, as the native food, which you can't get in tourist restaurants, is fantastic. There are many dishes that have common ground with the best food from Polynesia, such as deviled giant land crabs, curried conch, and sweet potato breads.

Some Red X updates. Here is the postcard Sabu originally posted.

I could not find Puamana's menu, but there has been a whole new development on the history of this place unveiled over on the Luau Hut thread. Turns out owner of the Luau Hut in Maryland moved to the Bahamas and opened the Island House, which later became the Island Lobster House. Here is the link to that thread.

http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=32449&forum=2&start=60&hilite=luau hut


Found a matchbook with a nice little rendering from the Island Lobster House.


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