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Tiki Central / Locating Tiki

Honolulu, Westborough, MA (restaurant)

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Street:160 Turnpike Rd.
City: Westboro

It's closed. I never went there. About 1995, I was driving around with my girlfriend looking for a place to eat and saw the Honolulu and the Cheng Du right across the street. I chose poorly. Now the Honolulu is a Bertucci's.
Cross it off your copy of Tiki Road Trip. I'm sorry. :(

[ Edited by: Bora Boris - Corrected city name. - 2011-08-10 20:44 ]

another one down... Thanks for the info. I plan on a cross Mass trip to Albany in the next couple of weeks with my cousin and on my way I thought I would check out the Hu Ke Lau and Makaha. I'll keep you posted.



the Makaha is now a tiki freezone (See info in the New England TikiPhile events thread)

The Huke however, is still quite rocking (in chicopee)

They have a polnesian review show on friday nights. Cover is $1 Drinks leave a bit to be desired, but the food is good, the decor is in tact, and the show is entertaining.

Well worth the trip.

(Ten minutes from downtown Worcester--yeah, if you drive like an escaped felon...)

The pineapple head logo guy is what was on their signature mug. This was the sister location to the Honolulu in Norwood which is gone too.


Here's the mug:

Here are a few other items from the Honolulu which were created for both the Westborough and Norwood locations.


The white version of the mug and the pick. (Both were gifted to me by tikisgrl.)

They also had a Moai mug. (From the collection of Kohalacharms.)

I thought I told you to stay outta my 'hood! :lol:
I sent one of the Moai mugs to my tradee, recently, but I don't know if she ever received it. She hasn't posted or responded to PMs. I'd sure like to know it arrived safely.

Well, usually I am excited to find a postcard showing the interior of a place that we have not seen photos of before. I must admit that I was a little disappointed with this is one. I picked up this card showing the lounge at the Honolulu in Westboro.

For a place that had such a cool, abstract logo I was expecting more. Well, the pineapple from the head is on the wallpaper.

Is that a lone Tiki at the back of the room?

At least the back of the card has the rendering of our logo Tiki.


PS Can we get a moderator to change the name of the city on the thread title to Westboro so it is easier to find on the TC search engine?

DC, technically, Westborough is correct. There's also Northborough, Southborough & my hometown, Marlborough. People got lazy over the years & dropped the "ugh", but on anything official, related to the towns, the "ugh" is always used. I agree with you, though. For search purposes on the Honolulu, it should be spelled the way they spelled it.

My latest Honolulu item.:

Just got this postcard from the Honolulu Restaurant.

Not a lot on the TIPSY factor!

The bar.

Some cool looking die-cut pineapple drink menus on the tables.

And what looks like a nice array of Tiki mugs on the front and back bar shelves.

And those cool chair do-dads.

The dining room. Come on, you can do a little better than that!

Back of the card.

I am assuming this was the Norwood location as the previous postcard I posted was from Westboro.


That's Norwood. The dining room in Westboro was cooler than that.

Here is a take out menu from the Westboro location with the signature Tiki logo.


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