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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Tiki Postcard

Pages: 1 1 replies

I was just browsing eBay and found this card (I already have one) for the Polynesia Restaurant located on Pier 51 in Seattle, Washington. It's an older card and the picture is in B & W. Bigbro - did you say that this place had a lot of Witco decor at one time?


On 2002-11-17 12:53, ZuluMagoo wrote:
I was just browsing eBay and found this card (I already have one) for the Polynesia Restaurant located on Pier 51 in Seattle, Washington. It's an older card and the picture is in B & W. Bigbro - did you say that this place had a lot of Witco decor at one time?

Good find, thanks, I will go for it.

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