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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Open Call to TC for Mai Kai info

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As we are preparing to unveil the website for Hukilau 2003 we thought it would be a great idea to ask for your assistance.

We would like all tikiphiles to send us photos and memorabilia that you've collected from your experiences at the Mai Kai. These will be compiled and placed on the Hukilau 2003 website. Pics of the floor shows, inside, outside, matchbooks, vintage images or whatever you would like to share with us.

Please send your pics to:
[email protected] and watch for the website soon!

Yee-Haw & Aloha,
Tiki KilikiThe World of Tiki Kiliki

[ Edited by: tiki_kiliki on 2002-11-20 09:37 ]

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