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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Aloha Bay Area

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Lock up your liquor, my girlfriend and I are going to be in San Francisco May16 -May 19. We're visiting some friends and would like to get together for some drinks with some of you fine tiki people. It's too bad I'm going to miss Weird Uncle Tiki by a few days. We haven't gone drinkin' in San Francisco yet.
Reply here or email me at [email protected]
See you at the bars!
Johnnie V.

[ Edited by: johnnievelour on 2002-05-07 01:46 ]

[ Edited by: johnnievelour on 2002-05-07 01:47 ]

mig posted on Tue, May 7, 2002 12:38 PM

AAAck! I will be GONE from, coincidentally, May 16-19. I trust the rest of the locals will give you the red carpet treatment... hey locals: met both of them in Vegas and I give them thumbs up! Show 'em how to paint the town!


Howdy, anyone want to share a room with me for Palm Springs. I will be alone and I'd rather pay for half a room. They have two beds so of course we won't be sharing a bed. ALSO, I plan on arriving In Ontario approx. 9 am that Friday and leaving about 8pm that Sunday so if anyone wants to share a rental car, that would be great, too. Ps-you don't have to share a room with me to take care of the rental car sharing option. Again, I am trying to cut expenses anyway I can. You can call me days at work 9:30-5:30 M-F or email me at .
On the way to-or from Palm Springs I am going to try to go to the Tacky Roy Rogers Museum

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