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Lake Tiki - 8/23/2013 - Red Cedar

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This thread barely scratches the surface of the work I've done in the last 11 years. Pieces that number in the hundreds. Some photos are lost, some of the work I don't feel is up to par to post anymore. It was around the time I started this second thread that I felt like I was doing the work I was most proud of posting


Inspired by the Chicago Trader Vic's...
In between tiki work I've been trying to finish up this pole for myself based on the two that used to stand guard outside the Palmer House Vic's.
With any luck I'll see them again with a Mai Tai in hand.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2013-08-23 12:23 ]

Lake,Cool pole looks like you have a little work ahead of you. I'll be keepin' an eye out for the grand finale.


Its hard to get all three in there and be the same size and even harder for them to have all the same look, nice.


Looking good so far, can't wait to see the finished product. Hey I'll be in town for a conference in late March. Maybe we can meet up for a maitai at HC's?


p.s. Did you hear the news that the Dallas Vic's is back on again and scheduled to re-open in August.

Nice! That looks bee-u-tiful. Love it! Are ya carvin' indoors or out, this winter?


Surfin... its an indoor winter... more space than our last flat though.
Still waiting on warmer temps to sand big stuff... maybe middle of March.

Marq chops, man. Killer! Are you coming down to Knoxville?


Hey! Nice carve!

[ Edited by: tikigap 2006-02-26 21:55 ]

Little piles of tikis everywhere in my studio... time to find them all new homes...

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2010-03-02 00:44 ]


Your tiki pole is awesome. You can't have actually gotten that good, can you? Are you sure you didn't nab it at the demolition of some ancient tiki bar?


[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy 2006-03-03 00:24 ]


On 2006-03-02 21:32, Lake Surfer wrote:
Little piles of tikis everywhere in my studio... time to find them all new homes...

Oooooo!!! I'll tke one! I promise I'll feed and walk him on the beach every day!

john posted on Fri, Mar 3, 2006 8:01 AM

we heard that before, and what do you know - two weeks later I'm the one cleaning, feeding and walking him at 5am :)


It must be great having a house full epic tikis. I find that I can spend hours staring at tikis when there are in the house, I become a tiki zombie . Are the Great Lakes supplying you with any surf these days, or is it frozen stiff? Some fun waves at the Hook in Santa Cruz this morning even though I was getting pelted with rain and wind.


On 2006-03-03 00:15, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:

Your tiki pole is awesome. You can't have actually gotten that good, can you? Are you sure you didn't nab it at the demolition of some ancient tiki bar?


[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy 2006-03-03 00:24 ]

Nope, no nabbing... this baby's all me.
I guess after 350 tikis you start to get good at this here whitling thing :wink:
Thanks Sabu... I can't wait to show this one finally finished, but he goes to the back of the line again as I start on
a new order for a bar.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2006-03-03 11:32 ]

Bete posted on Fri, Mar 3, 2006 11:36 AM

Hi Lake Surfer, it is looking great, very cool!

On 2006-03-03 10:01, SCTikiShack wrote:

It must be great having a house full epic tikis. I find that I can spend hours staring at tikis when there are in the house, I become a tiki zombie . Are the Great Lakes supplying you with any surf these days, or is it frozen stiff? Some fun waves at the Hook in Santa Cruz this morning even though I was getting pelted with rain and wind.


I hear ya Will... some I keep for myself to sit and stare at... but sometimes they start crowding you out and you have to send them on their way...

The lake has a good deal of ice on the shore, but Spring is coming!
I got a good surf fix a couple weeks ago in the form of a surfari with my surf club. We rented a house in San Clemente for a week and surfed head high SanO for three days. After that the wind went onshore for most of the week, but we're used to that.
The next sessions that week were spent at Grandview, Swami's and Oceanside... then a sunst session at T-Street to finish off the trip.

I left full of stoke and new energy to crank out some new work. It's amazing what a week of surf can do for you!

Thanks guys!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2006-03-03 11:41 ]

Huh, that's interesting. I thought it was just me that stared at the tikis. I actually find it more entertaining than the tele.

Great little guys, lake. You're really crankin' 'em out. I wish I could do that. I have too many in various stages sitting around waiting for me to get back to them.

You loading them up and bringing them to oasis?

Glad you got some surf in. Even on the worst day ever, once you hit the water...it's all good!

GMAN posted on Fri, Mar 3, 2006 6:37 PM


Congratulations on the new arrivals! They look just like you!

But seriously, looks like you've been busy :) They look great. Are you looking like a fiddler crab yet?



Excellent new sprouts and GMAN's right I think they look like you, guess you have the strong genes in the family!! The Big Marq looks really cool too, an't wait to see him done.
All in all really fine work.


I've enjoyed your work. You need to post more often. I'd like to see some close ups of that litter of tikis.
Nice website by the way.

You da man, braddah. :)

Thanks guys!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2006-08-04 22:16 ]

Cigars for the men?

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2007-10-01 21:54 ]


Beautiful work Lake!

Really nice work Lake...your workspace looks virtually immaculate...seems i'm always
stepping over wood chips....and what about the big guys standing at the back of the
garage? Very impressive...wish you were going to Coontiki!


Hey Lake, your new stuff is looking Better and better. I Love some of that Spaulted wood you found. Very Nice.
Love your "Littleguys" too.

Mahalos McTiki, conga and Ben!

Conga... I gotta sweep up after every session so when I get back down there its like a fresh start. Tools are sharpened and layed out...
eventually everything is all over the place and there's wood chips everywhere.

Ben, as always the challenge is to go as small as I can and as much detail as I can... they are a fun diversion!
Most of the new wood has sat over the winter... after debarking last week I found I had some nice pieces.

Here's a new project... have to finish before Friday...
The local tiki bar, Foundation,is in an old duplex. The lower half is the bar. There is an ugly pole that helps hold the 2nd floor up... I'm doing a 4 panel carved box to cover it up.

It was great getting back outside again to carve after the long winter!
Halfway through today's progress on two of the panels...


Good work Lake,is that a panel or half a log?


Nice project. Are you going to bevel the edges or just butt them up? Have you found that kiln dried dimensional lumber carves different than "natural" cured logs?

Nice tikis (I like the pole against the wall)in a warm basement carving area. Is sawdust a problem inside?


Mahalos Danny!

tfisher art... all four are a select grade pine 1x

Johnny... I rabbeted the edges on two of the panels... I'm going to nail and glue three of the panels together before staining and then the last panel will be put on after the box is installed.

Kiln dried wood... sometimes I find it easier, but more brittle. These boards are nice, when the chisels are good and sharp the wood's like butter.

I still do the heavy sanding outside, but try to keep up with the small sawdust inside when I do sand. I was working on a sanding booth, but lost motivation... we're only renting for the next 6 months anyhow, then I get my own basement to mess up!
I just bundle up and head outside to sand.

Thanks for the props on the tikis!

Made quick work of the three today and played with the torch... hope to have the fourth finished by end of day on Tuesday. Delivery on Friday.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2006-04-02 23:32 ]

hewey posted on Tue, Mar 28, 2006 3:11 AM

Cool work lake! Love the little guys, and the tiki box looks cool too. Nice work as always. Yeh, must be cool to have all those tiis around :)


Cool stuff lake, I Love the box/panel tikis. Can't wait to see them with the finish applied. Love the shot of your work space too. Is that a Router duplicator back in the corner I see??


Everything looks great, Dave! I'm gonna have to get a pendant from you sometime...those little guys are cool!

Glad to know you're staying busy. Any chance we'll be seeing you in Florida again this year?


Bete posted on Thu, Mar 30, 2006 4:49 PM

Cool stuff Lake Surfer!


I love the panels, and I have a crapload of 1 X 12 scraps !!! Where's my tools.......


Too cool! I'd like to see some close-ups of the panels. Amazing idea.

Hi Lake Surfer,

Great panels. I too would love to see some detail.

That pole you posted at the beginning is also really amazing.

We still love our tiki you made - its become a member of the family.

Keep posting pictures as we love to see what you've created.


[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2015-03-22 12:12 ]

On 2006-03-28 09:07, Haole Kat wrote:
Everything looks great, Dave! I'm gonna have to get a pendant from you sometime...those little guys are cool!

Glad to know you're staying busy. Any chance we'll be seeing you in Florida again this year?


Mahalos Josh!
Florida is in the plans again this year!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2006-08-23 10:53 ]

GMAN posted on Sun, Apr 2, 2006 6:49 AM

Hey Lake!,

How's it going up there? Looks like you've been busy. I love the panels and the lamps. Way to go! The little guys are very kool as well.

Is the weather getting better for you guys up there? If so, are we going to see a massive posting of your goods on the next good "poly day"? It was bloody hot here yesterday and I had to stop carving at 2:00. Some days I wish I was up there in the cooler weather with you, JohnnyP, and Conga.

Anyway, I just wanted to check in and let you know I've been watching all the great stuff you've been doing. Keep it up, and keep posting - we need to see them!

What happened with that whole Kirk/Metallica thing?


Gman... much thanks!

It's crappy up here. It is 40 degrees and it has rained the last 3 days. I'm in the basement again.
Looks like maybe a couple times this week for some sun and 50's, but I'm staying indoors.

I need a good poly day... as it is now it takes a day for 1 coat to dry... on a good poly day I can get 2 or three coats on.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2006-08-23 11:59 ]

Lots of amazing stuff going on with you Lake. Glad to see you so busy.

Thanks for sharing your pics.

GMAN posted on Mon, Apr 3, 2006 4:57 PM


Thanks, I know the other thread turned to Target or Walmart or something....Here it will stay as Lake Surfer's sales info. Thanks for posting the pic again, and congrats on selling a piece to Kirk. Way to go! I used to dig those guys until they sold out in the 90's. Bummer. Too bad to hear you are "Trapped Under Ice" (bad Metallica pun) and can't get your poly on, but soon it will be warm and you can delight us with a massive poly post. I can't wait!


Thanks guys!

Got over to Foundation during the daylight hours on Wednesday and was able to see the tiki box installed.
The bar manager who comissioned me was pleased and said it had gotten rave reviews on Tiki Tuesday.

Gman... lots of sun today and against the garage the temps were 68 degrees along with a reflective tarp... so I got to have a small poly party...

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2006-04-15 23:07 ]

That post cover is amazing , make me wish i had ugly post in my basement to hide. Thanks for sharing Lake.

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