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Tiki Central / Locating Tiki

Bad Ass Coffee Company in Columbia, SC, Columbia, SC (restaurant)

Pages: 1 6 replies

Name:Bad Ass Coffee Company in Columbia, SC
Street:819 Harden St

Bad Ass Coffee Company of Hawaii is a corporation which opens Tiki/Hawaiiana style coffee shops around the US. The stores feature Tiki sculptures hand-carved by Landmine Productions. The general impression of the theme on entry is "surf style" or "Hawaiiana," and they tend to advertise that way. (See also, the listing for Orlando's Bad Ass Coffee Company.)

[ Edited by: crataegus 2006-04-11 18:01 ]

Some pictures from Columbia's Bad Ass Coffee Company store. I'm not a photographer, and these were taken with my camera phone. Please pardon the poor quality.

I'm generally not a fan of corporate coffee shops because it's near impossible to explain what I mean by "short shot" or "ristretto", let alone get anything that even slightly deviates from the standard menu. Bad Ass Coffee was very accomodating, and their espresso roast is an actual espresso roast, not burnt beans. I didn't try any of their "tropical style" drinks. No alcohol or smoking here, but if you want coffee, it beats the living hell out of anything else in Columbia.

are the tikis grinding coffee or?.......


Description:...which opens Tiki/Hawaiiana style coffee shops around the US. The stores feature Tiki sculptures hand-carved by Landmine Productions. The general impression of the theme on entry is "surf style" or "Hawaiiana, and they tend to advertise that way."

thankfully, only on the mainland.

[ Edited by: lanikai 2006-04-12 01:26 ]

On 2006-04-11 22:49, RevBambooBen wrote:
are the tikis grinding coffee or?.......

No, and no virgin sacrifices either. It was very sad.

On 2006-04-11 23:19, lanikai wrote:

Description:...which opens Tiki/Hawaiiana style coffee shops around the US. The stores feature Tiki sculptures hand-carved by Landmine Productions. The general impression of the theme on entry is "surf style" or "Hawaiiana, and they tend to advertise that way."

thankfully, only on the mainland.

[ Edited by: lanikai 2006-04-12 01:26 ]

.....and not in Ventura?

Come clean man!

hehehe nice try Ben we have one here it was the first one in Cali as I understand it and looks no wehre as nice.....ours has a ton of surf stuff (2blocks from pacific) and a small beach inside....but the coffee isn't bad and they have a habbit of employing young surfer girls

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