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Puamana & Selector Lopaka's Big Island Vacation Pics & Info ( Image Heavy)

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Selector Lopaka and I got back earlier this week from our Big Island vacation, and wanted to share some pics & info.
( we spent a quick few days in Oahu first, and I'll post those pics later )

TikiDug's Tiki Island Rental

We stayed at TikiDugs Tiki Island rental, and it was fantastic ! Dug was a great host, and the rental had everything you could possibly need. It was such a treat to be surrounded with such great tiki artifacts in the rental, and Dugs own Tiki Museum upstairs is mind-boggling...not only his collection of tiki, but also other paintings, was just a sight to behold. Dug is a great guy, and an incredible resource for all things on the Big Island, and gave us so many great local tips and info, which made our vacation even better than ever. I'll post more about that on the Tiki Island thread in Tiki Marketplace.


We went to some great beaches, and one of the really great ones ( recommended by Dug) was off the beaten path, and just beautiful ( don't have the name for it right now, will post later). Here's view of it from the road ( its the little blue area of water that looks surrounded by the lava on the right part of photo) :

It required a little walking along the beach, after parking our car by Tammy Wynette's old house on the beach, which is boarded up. Wild goats were there to greet us. We also passed this cool house, which is Paul Mitchell's house:

After about a 1/2 hour walk along the beach ( and passing 2 lava tubes you can swim in) we came to an area of lava to cross over, then the most amazing blue area of water you can imagine. Its an eerie cloudy milky blue, so swimming in it is kinda bizarre. Unfortunately, my pics of this beach didn't turn out well.

Another nice beach ( with a new easy access road) is right across from the Veterans Cemetary off the main highway a little north of Kona. Easy for folks with kids to get to, great powder white sand, and blue blue blue water. Its a popular boogie boarding spot, as the waves kick up in the late morning/early afternoon ( at least they did the days there we were there). Here's a pic of that beach:

Don the Beachcomber, at the Royal Kona Resort

We went to Don the Beachcomber for Sunset drinks and dinner one night. Though it seemed like the management was trying, the food was only so-so, and drinks about the same. It seemed like the folks at the table next to us were having an entirely different ( and better) dining experience, though, so maybe it varies. We were able to buy a few of the Mai Tai glasses ( after asking different people 'til we got a "yes" from someone). The Royal Kona Resort where DTB is located is something to see in its own right, imagining the days when this hotel was first new and more loved. There are some cool architectural details throughout the hotel, and the location of DTB's tables right over the ocean crashing against the rocks is really a great sunset spot. Anyhoo, here's pics:

Front Entrance & tables overlooking the ocean:

Mai Tai, Rum Barrel:

Macadamia Nut Encrusted Mahi Mahi

Looking back of the Royal Kona buildings from the restaurant table:

Interior of Restaurant:

Carved Poles, along the back of the Royal Kona Resort:

Entrance to Don The Beachcomber, from the back of Royal Kona Resort:

Stone waterfall/water feature in lobby near elevators:

My favorite feature of the hotel, this huge capiz shell/makau chandelier:

(love the lava rock wall around the elevators, too)

There were all sorts of cool details on the front desks the lobby:

(sorry for the blurry pic)

Kona Village Resort

We also went to the Kona Village one morning for birthday breakfast ( $ 72 for 2- ouch ! ) , and to walk around the grounds. The Kona Village is a little north of the Kona airport, open since 1965 as an exclusive retreat to get away from it all. There is still no telephones or tv in the individual thatched hales that you stay in. Its expensive ( rates on their website start at $ 580/night, packages might be a little better). I had been wanted to see this place for awhile, so it was worth the pricey pancakes just to walk around. It reminded me of Tahiti. Here's some pics :

Kona Village Entrance & tikis:

( call ahead for a reservation, and they will put you on the list at the gate. If you don't want to spend the money
for a meal, you might be able to get public beach access by asking at the gate, I'm not sure).

Walking to the restaurant, we passed this area where the breakfast buffet is served, if you get there early enough
( we went too late, the bfast stops at 9:45am):

Entrance to the Hale Moana dining room:

Beside the dining room is the Bora Bora Bar:

Marquesan style tikis front the railings along the steps:

Bora Bora Bar:

There were several large tikis on the property:

One of the thatched huts ( probably the check-in area) & tiki support posts:

Some of the many thatched structures:

View across the water from the beach:

Palms along beach area:

Sea Turtles resting on the beach near the Four Seasons Resort next door:

Here's the link to the Kona Village website, which has some interesting history on Ka'Upulehu, which is the area surrounding Kona Village : http://www.konavillage.com

Bamboo Restaurant, Hawi

Another day we went up to Hawi for lunch, to a great restaurant called Bamboo. Its a popular place, with a gift shop and art gallery you can browse through, while waiting for your table. Our lunch that we shared was all great. Highly recommended !

the Big Bamboozer Pupu Platter

fresh Ono sandwich

I forget what this dessert was called, but lots of chocolate was involved.

We thought of our TC friends many times on this trip :

Here's their website to check out their menu: http://www.bamboorestaurant.info/restaurant.htm

Snorkelling at Place of Refuge

Snorkelling at the Place of Refuge was great:

We stopped at several antique shops along the way and found some goodies. This was one of our stops:

We also took a drive for the day, through Waimea, Honoka'a, and Hilo. Next time we'll spend a few days on the other side of island again. We missed Volcano this time around ( our last trip we rented a cool little cottage at a b&b near Volcano, I'll dig up the info and add it here later).

We had a great time on our trip, hope you enjoy the pics !

[ Edited by: puamana 2006-04-15 15:26 ]

Wow, what a trip! Feels like I'd just been there!
I love the view onto Kona Village from the beach. And now everybody get out heir BOT, and find the different hut styles on Covarrubias'"Native Dwellings" map!

Aaah, gotta go back...last time I went for a couple of days with Diego, Dug's was already booked so I stayed in Kona town at the Kamehameha, which actually has a nice old style feel, with several artifact display cases, and the rebuild Ahu-ena temple in its lagoon.


Oh, that all looks so wonderful -- and it's nice to look at the pictures and daydream about being there with you guys. Glad you had such a great time. Thanks for sharing them.

Wow, yes, thanks for sharing!
Great photographs, I'm envisioning myself there as we speak

Wow, Kona Village is fantastic, if expensive. But hey, that's what they want to stay at the Polynesian Village in Disney World these. I would choose the Kona Village over WDW any day.
Mahalo for sharing.

Thanks for sharing. I guess we won't need to post our trip as it looks like we will be doing similar stuff (Kona-Hilo-Waikiki). We tried to book TikiDugs place for a couple weeks back, but he said some other TCers were already booked. I guess it was you guys......how funny. Great pix. DTB looks better than the one on Maui, too bad the food & drinks were just average.


Great pictures, makes me want to get a plain ticket and fly over there now. I can just feel that nice ocean breeze and the warm weather, very nice, thanks for all the pictures.


What a Fantastic bunchof pic's. It is just about like being there. Looks like you had a great time.
Thanks for sharing.


Mahalo nui.

WOW! if we ever have the time and money, our next trip will be the big island. after reading your commentary and seeing the pictures, we definitely are more anxious to go! thank you for sharing your vacation with us. i love these kind of posts. and the 'hi dogbytes' is classic. a must for any dinner plate photo. :)

Beeyootiful Pictures! What a trip. I love Hawaii. Man I wish i could figure out a way to live over there without having to work three jobs just to rent a room. sigh
Good to hear and see you had such an incredible trip. Thanks for sharing the aloha.


WOW!!! Those pictures are simply wonderful. Thank you for sharing. You guys look like you had a wonderful time. Makes me hunger for the Islands right now!! Looks like you got to see Gecko while you were there too! He looks a little smaller and greener though than last time I saw him! Ha!! Hope to see you guys at the Tiki Oasis. You are going right?

Thanks for the wonderful post!!

Cheers and Mahalo,


Thanks for the pics! Brings back great memories from the fam and I's week-and-a-half on the Big Island several years ago.

Fantastic Travelogue, Puamana!

It's so interesting to see vacation pics from a Tiki-Centric eye. I bet if you showed your pics to non-tiki friends they'd say, "Boy, you went to a lot of OLD places, didn't you. What's with you and all the carved wooden totems?" It sounds like you made a tremendous find in Dug, who was able to steer you towards the best of the best Tiki sites on the Big Island. Thanks for thinking of your TC friends as you were snapping pictures.

It's nice to see that this venerable old tiki:

Is still alive and well, (if a little bit weathered by the years). It looks like he's treated with great respect, what with all the offerings of flowers he's adorned with. Thanks for photographing him at the exact same angle as my brochure. That was very thoughtful.


PS: The gecko is very cute. Thanks for obligatory Monstera-Leaf photo as well. And I think Paul Mitchell's house is now my new ideal for how I'd like to design my backyard tiki hut.

[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy 2006-04-17 11:36 ]

whoa, im immortalized in catsup. or at least until you guys ate up those crisscut fries!

wow, amazing pictures ~ you two look so relaxed and happy! thanks so much for sharing the sights and your menu items with us ~

the Don's on the Big Island is vastly different than the Maui location!

Thanks for sharing the photos! Glad to see you guys had a great holiday!
I love that chandelier!!

Ah, yes, I can almost taste the Bamboozler Pupua again. Great travel/TikiLog! The Big Island has always been my favorite and great Tiki minds think alike - I was there last December for my bday!

okole Maluna,



Can I tag along with you on your next trip???
GORGEOUS! It's nice here in Seattle, but nothing like
that. Oooh, I wonder if I were to click my heels together a few times, I could be there.

Excellent, Travelogue!

Where is Tropical Dreams Ice Cream located?

Does one get questioned going into the Kona Village Resort, or can one just meander?

Mahalo for the photos.

I like the Don the Beachcomber photos, including of the cuisine.
Definitely worthy of its name.

[ Edited by: christiki295 2006-11-22 23:33 ]

[i]On 2006-04-15 15:13, puamana wrote:

Interior of Restaurant:

Carved Poles, along the back of the Royal Kona Resort:

Dona the Beachcomber at the Royal Kona is without a doubt the best tiki mecca I jave ever visited. Tikis galore, in and out, overlooking the Pacific, illuminated by tiki torches.

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