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antiquecove and ebay, need I say more?

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By now, almost everyone on tikicentral.com should know about antiquecove's reputation. After seeing a very suspicious menu offering, Cy got fed up. Here's his reply:


Glad to see someone's calling antiquecove on his BS! It's really too bad that even though this auction won't go well for him (hopefully), it won't be enough to stop him from making money off of people who aren't involved enough to have all the information.

Here's antiquecove's auction of the menu:



I wasn't sure about 'em either. Now that I am getting a Tiki Farm SB I wasn't worried about this. Odd thing is if you actually read their post it "New Unused, Mint condition"? Anyone know if this is original or a Tiki Farm? Like I said I'll be fine with my 12.95 Tiki Farm mug. Was just curious. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=745214137

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2002-12-12 06:34 ]


Turbogod, the SB is a TikiFarm, not an original. I emailed a couple of the bidders on this auction to give them a heads up, but now that other sellers are listing the TikiFarm SB mugs, I think everyone will catch on to antiquecove's shenanigans!

~ tikigreg

Personally, I wouldn't touch Antiquecove's stuff with a shitty stick, but it's galling to see people getting taken in by such dubious descriptions. While they may not legally constitute fraud, they sail pretty close to the wind. The whole 'clearing out the attic' story may be true, but has nothing to do with the item on sale, for instance. (Unless they took the menu into the attic for a few minutes and back down again).

They also seem to take advantage of the fact that people are loathe to post bad feedback, even when they realise what the item really is. Perhaps it's because they are kicking themselves for being taken in, or maybe they just don't want the bad feedback returned.

Trader Woody


Thanks to everyone on this thread. I was pretty sure the SB was fake, but I was going to bid on the menu. Thanks for the warning.



As long as "antiquecove" keeps getting results such as this:


the deceptive selling practices will continue. Just take a look at the hit counter at the bottom.

This is a $13.00 Tiki Farm mug that is currently available. Kind of feel sorry for the high bidder.



I asked the seller the simple question, "Where did you buy this?"

Of course, there was no answer.

Trader Woody


I'd certainly rather have 10 of those than 1. He sure is making a killing!


That is absolutely disgusting! I feel sick to my stomach thinking of the poor bastard who is going to fork over a ridiculous amount of money for a $13.00 repro mug...I'd like to be a fly on the wall when he opens the box and sees the 2002 inscription on the bottom of the mug. I think if it were me I'd either break down in tears or lose my lunch...



Would it be wrong to notify the buyer by sending them the link to this thread?

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2002-12-13 17:14 ]


I don't think it would be wrong at all to contact the buyer - I know I'd prefer to take my chances in receiving negative feedback and a nasty non-paying bidder email from Ebay instead of being out $130...

Maybe we should just send the bidder a link to Tiki Farm's website...



Yeah I think we should, if some one hasn't already done it. I would hate to spend that kind of money for a 13 dollar mug. Now if I worked for the Government, well that'd be a different story.


What does working for the government have to do with anything? Marines work for the government and they aren't paid shi#%.


On 2002-12-13 18:26, Tiki_Bong wrote:
What does working for the government have to do with anything?

I took it to be a reference to government expenditures (e.g., the famous $600 toilet seats), not government salaries.

So, has someone emailed this poor fellow yet? I noticed that edgeoftexas had a pretty high bid on this sucker, the best evidence I've yet seen that edgeoftexas must not lurk here (at least, not frequently).


I was talking about the $600 toilet seat. I emailed them the thread.

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2002-12-13 19:00 ]


Edgeoftexas is registered but I doubt he lurks too much, as he bids on thisgs he shoudn't, and doesn't 'buy it now' when he should. He has the coin, but not the expertise.

I've asked them to de-lurk before, to no avail.


I e-mailed the winner right after I finished the last post and included links to this Tiki Central topic and Tiki Farm's site. Most likely the person is going to ignore the e-mail and send the money to these Antiquecove sheisters...people always seem to cop an attitude if you try and warn them about a shady auction - I've alerted buyers before about a seller that screwed me and the majority of the people ignored my e-mail and a couple even reported me to Ebay. We'll wait and see if the guy responds - if not - he can enjoy his $130.00 reproduction tiki mug and kick himself for not listening to some stranger who was looking out for them...



So, you mean when you were trying to let someone know they were getting screwed, they alerted the EBAY police? Can you get kicked off of Ebay by tampering with a auction? OOH! Where is the Justice? :roll:


Deputy Midnite alerted many bidders on that auction, but not sure what will happen with the actual high bidder. He sniped it, stupid move. I received thanks from two of bidders I warned. Sometimes the work of a frontier sheriff goes under-appreciated. No mind, it's done for the love of the law, not personal accolades or compensation...although a complimentary sasparilla is welcome!

Done this many times...most often involving that scoundrel "antiquecove". Got them to shut down some misrepresentational auctions involving Shag greeting cards a way's back. That ne'er do well shows his ornery face 'round these parts...he gets a one-way ticket to Boot Hill.

His kind ain't welcome in these parts. The dude is a scam artist, skating the edge of fraudulent representations. Sells new as "vintage", cleverly omits some crucial info and discloses just enough for plausible deniability. Seems to be a very rude person...plus I hear he's got a real tiny "lil' antiquecove".



On 2002-12-13 20:59, DawnTiki wrote:
So, you mean when you were trying to let someone know they were getting screwed, they alerted the EBAY police? Can you get kicked off of Ebay by tampering with a auction? OOH! Where is the Justice? :roll:

I don't remember what they called it but they sent a threatening e-mail and told me to stop! I think they can kick you off of Ebay for doing it - kinda like 3 strikes and you're out!


Funnily enough, even with the fact that it's clearly a repro, written in big type, people are still happy to pay well over the odds!


Proves you don't have to be shifty to make a buck.

Trader Woody

The buyer of the $130.00 Suffering Bastard mug e-mailed me back on the 24th and told me that he already sent payment for the item. He wanted to know what he could do to stop antiquecove - I suggested looking to see if Ebay has a policy in relation to misrepresented items, or perhaps stopping payment if possible and finally if all else fails, I suggested leaving some scathing feedback for these crooks!


Just Cool!!

Aloha from the enchanted Pi Yi Lanai in exotic Bel Air Maryland!

[ Edited by: johntiki on 2002-12-26 22:30 ]

On 2002-12-24 11:09, DawnTiki wrote:
The buyer wrote me back from the emails I sent to him about the bad, bad man selling on ebay. And I quote "Thanks!!! This guy is a piece of shit!!!!" end quote! Precise, poetic, and to the point. Has he responed back to any of the emails you guys have sent?

I would take the negative feedback and make sure I left a nasty remark or 2! What a bad, bad man!

Its a grey area with eBay.

Of course they would rather collect fees on a $130 mug than a $13 mug.

They don't want to see a loyal customer get fed up and quit. I think somethimes they defer to the person with more feedback.

I left negitive feedback for a seller that sold the item to someone else even though I won the auction, and even though eBay suspended the acount they were still able to retailate and leave me my only bad feedback (the auction closed before they were suspended).


I'm with Tikifish on this. Why would you end your auction early, if someone is willing to pay 50 bucks to end it early then it would stand to reason others would pay more for it by keeping the auction open. DUH! It looks like sellers are getting HEP to that too. This seller says he won't end the auction early.

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2002-12-30 13:57 ]


Just as a follow-up, antiquecove has now made his feedback listings private. Getting a little too hot in the kitchen, perhaps?

[ Edited by: tikigreg on 2003-01-04 15:17 ]

Private feedback listings, huh? Classy!

The beginning of the end, we hope.

Trader Woody

Got a response from the guy that was bidding $130 for the SB from TikiFarm that Antique Cove was selling. I know alot of us warned him. Well, He sent the money, never got the mug, a refund or any communitcation from the seller after his check was cashed. I'd be furious if it were me. Thankfully there is always somebody here that can help.



"He sent the money, never got the mug"

Wow, that's like getting ripped-off twice. Antiquecove is on the top of my "avoid no matter what" list for Ebay sellers. We have had 300+ Ebay transactions and only just had our first Ebay thief. The loss was only $8, but ya know, it's the principle. That seller is now off Ebay, they stole from many bidders.

But $130? I'd contact some of my old Samoan friends for that amount. What a tool, deceptive listing and then just keep the cash.


Had the unlucky winner actually received the Tiki Farm mug, his legal recourse would have been nil. However, since the seller has not provided the buyer with the mug, the buyer does have legal recourse.

If I were the buyer I'd file suit in my county small claims court for the cost of the mug plus court costs. It's likely that the seller wouldn't make an appearance, so a default judgment would be easy to obtain. I'd then either (1) retain an attorney in the the seller's state to file suit to enforce the default judgment, or more likely, (2) sell the right to collect on the judgment to a claims agency.

In terms of valuing one's time. Suing wouldn't make the seller whole, however, there's a certain level of psychic satisfaction that goes with successfully suing someone who's screwed you over that's worth more than mere money. :evil:

[ Edited by: Suburban Hipster on 2003-02-13 12:11 ]

Suburban Hipster wrote:
there's a certain level of psychic satisfaction that goes with successfully

.....preventing Antiquecove from offering his/her dubious stuff anymore! Well done Tiki Centralites, it appears that the 'Cove is pretty much shut down. No items are currently for sale, and the private feedback option is the kiss of death to any seller. Keep an eye out for a 'new' seller playing the same old tricks, though.

Trader Woody


By taking his money and not sending the item isn't antiquecove guilty of FRAUD? If I understand correctly, by using the USPS it's mailfraud and using the internet makes it wirefraud. If the auction was on-line and the check was sent through the mail, he'd be guilty of both. Don't know how you'd enforce it, but I'd contact the postmaster general.

Turbogod wrote
Got a response from the guy that was bidding $130 for the SB from TikiFarm that Antique Cove was selling. I know alot of us warned him. Well, He sent the money, never got the mug, a refund or any communitcation from the seller after his check was cashed.

Send me his email and I'll get him a half dozen suffering bastards so that he can drink from one & break the other's over antiquecove's noggin!

Holden Westland
Tiki Farm
"Purveyors of Polynesian Pop Culture"

[ Edited by: smogbreather on 2003-02-13 20:24 ]


The guy lives in los angeles. I have his home address if anyone wants to stop by and punch him in the face.

On 2003-02-13 12:02, Suburban Hipster wrote:
If I were the buyer I'd file suit in my county small claims court for the cost of the mug plus court costs. It's likely that the seller wouldn't make an appearance, so a default judgment would be easy to obtain. I'd then either (1) retain an attorney in the the seller's state to file suit to enforce the default judgment, or more likely, (2) sell the right to collect on the judgment to a claims agency.

[ Edited by: Suburban Hipster on 2003-02-13 12:11 ]

I had a bad expierience with somoeone on Ebay for 60 dollars, not alot of money, but more than I will usually spend on Ebay. They cashed my check, and ran...never got the lamp. I contacted the local authotities and they wouldn't do anything. They told me to contact the FBI. Which I did, but they did nothing, come on for 60 bucks who is gonna care. Ebay...did nothing, shame on them. Living across the country, there wasn't a whole lot I could do. I don't do the big ticket items on ebay because of this 1 bad deal.

I know many of us have "burn" stories regarding eBay. I do as well, however, I was burned for only $12.00 minus the shipping. The thing that sucked was when I left negative feedback for not receiving the item, they retaliated with the same; me - the buyer!

The eBay feedback system sucks. I've begun looking for tikis through other sources just because I'm getting tired of dealing with all the BS that comes along with buying off eBay.

So far I've had about 99% good experience with eBay as a buyer. Everything has arrived, nothings broken. The 1% is just down to late deliveries. Maybe because people think I may call up Interpol or something if I don't receive my package they make sure it all goes well. Who knows?

This doesn't prevent me from crossing my fingers whenever I buy via eBay, though.

Trader Woody


On 2003-02-13 20:24, smogbreather wrote:

Send me his email and I'll get him a half dozen suffering bastards so that he can drink from one & break the other's over antiquecove's noggin!

Holden - that is extremely commendable for you to offer to make it right with the poor guy!

His e-mail address:

[email protected]


don't forget that sending the seller anthrax in the mail is acceptable under Ebay's policies for deadbeat sellers..

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