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Moai-Spotting at the London Aquarium

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my wife's office held their annual christmas shindig at the london aquarium last night. cool venue for a party. what was really cool was spotting the 3 massive moai in the shark tank!

the moai were huge - over 20 ft tall & seeing tons of sharks & tuna & rays & other fish swimming around them looked really neat.

Yeah, it's really well done. It's very eerie seeing the sharks slowly pass by the moais. Must have been nice to see the tank when the glass wasn't smeared with the accumulated child-grease from a 1000 little noses pressed against it!

Trader Woody


That sounds incredibly cool!

I've been trying to simulate what you describe in my fishtank! I found Moai (not massive, but still cool) at an aquarium store, and when my algae-sucker fish swims by them, I swear he looks like a mini shark!

Spongebob Squarepants aquarium figures are also available.

*...The moai were huge - over 20 ft tall & seeing tons of sharks & tuna & rays & other fish swimming around them looked really neat.

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[ Edited by: phillip roberts 2012-11-19 09:40 ]


Em got to go to England for the holiday party? FUN!!!

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