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Spike's new band - The Junkbucket live this Friday night!

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My new band, The Junkbucket, will unleash our distinct brand of surf, roots, and hot rod rock n' roll on the masses. I don't think we are necessarily a tiki band though. Maybe we are, if you consider The Rev Horton Heat or Southern Culture on the Skids tiki. I don't know, it's good stuff if you like the rock n' roll.

Anyway, we're playing at The Surf City Saloon in Huntington Beach this Friday night with Zenith Fuzzbomb and Brass Knuckle Voodoo (both super rad bands). I think there is a band playing before us, but we go on at 10:00. The Surf City Saloon is located at
18528 Beach Blvd at the corner of Beach and Ellis.

Hope you can make the scene.


Sorry I couldn't make it spike I was down in San Diego seeing Kick the Reverbs surf band the Sand devils with midest surf band the Madeira. I wanted to see yours, but surf always comes first, I'm sure you understand, But please keep the updates on TC please.

thanks and sorry,
The Band sounds interesting.


I have played with Spike before, so I can tell you first hand that this guy "keeps it real". Spike has a very authentic vintage sound, yet he also is knowleageable about socal punk rock, and I think he manages to fuse the two styles very well. He is also an awesome surf guitarist! Spike would never play digital equipment. Everything he owns and plays is Analaog, tube and vintage style. The guy is the real deal. If his band plays again around here, I strongly advise people to come and check them out. His band may be new, but he is not. He has been on the scene for a number of years and knows what he is doing.

Wow. Thanks man....
Yeah, we'll be playing again soon. I'll keep everyone posted as to when it happens.

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