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just sitting here listening to hawaiian internet radio, cooking pork and pineapple tamales and felt like wishing you all the very best for the holidays!. peace,erich

Mele Pork and Pinapple Tamales to you!!!

The Bamboo Ben Tribe.

Merry Christmas to everyone!! Would you be so kind as to give me the recipe for pork and pineapple tamales?? They sound like a good alternative to having turkey for the next few days. It is so ccccold here in Canada I really need something that tastes tropical!! Thanks

how to make tamales?. well ,first you get some fresh masa at your local mexican market,then you get some tomatillio for the sauce, then get some pork and some corn husks, mix it all together and steam for 4 hrs and eat it! . oh yea ,the pineapple tamales dont get the tomatillio sauce(better get a cookbook).

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