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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Tiki Down Under?

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A big conch-horn hello to everyone! I'm new to Tiki Central, and would like to wish all you aficionados the best for the New Year. Is anyone aware of a decent Tiki following/outlets in Australia?

Rohamai, welcome to Tiki Central. Don't know about any cool tiki joints in Australia. I believe your the first Tiki Centralite from the land down under!

Welcome to T.C. You must come across plenty of Maori stuff down there. With all the surf culture in Australia I would think you would be able to find quite a few fellow tiki bruthas and sistas.


Talofa Lava & G'day!
There's lot's of Aussies on Tiki Central!,we just don't make our presence felt often enough. Welcome Rohamai!
Eventually I'll get my website up & running with images of my Tiki collection. It's not much but it's a start & an example of what can be found in Sydney if you look out for it.

"The Zombie Zoo" is coming to Western Australia! From what I understand, this is some kind of Tiki theme park designed by Josh Collins, who did the decor for the South London Pacific in the UK. He's been working on it for a couple of years now, so it should be a doozy!

The website http://www.thezombiezoo.com/cover.html
isn't much help at the moment, though.

Trader Woody

hmc posted on Sat, Jan 14, 2006 3:14 PM

The website http://www.thezombiezoo.com/cover.html
isn't much help at the moment, though.

Just checked out the page and there's an updated website there now http://www.thezombiezoo.com/wowsville.html

Looks pretty interesting. I'll have to plan a holiday to Western Australia now!

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