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Posting Pictures Question

Pages: 1 4 replies

I've read the FAQ's, but still trying to figure out how to post a graphic from an e-mail or document file. Click and drag is so simple but it doesn't work. Any help? JT

[edited by hanford to make the subject a little more descriptive]

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2003-01-05 23:37 ]

Tiki Central doesn't really allow the uploading on pics but allows "embedded linking" which means you're linking to a pic on another site, but instead of a link it just appears on the page. When your webbrowser loads the page, it loads all the text and graphics from Tikiroom but it loads the linked images off of the other site, and your webbrowser seamlessly stiches it into a single page on your computer.

The FAQ explains how to link to another picture, but you'll need to use a site like Shutterfly to actually host the pictures.

PS... someone here wrote up a very detailed description of how to do this. Does anyone have the link to that posting? I think I'll make it part of the FAQ if s/he doesn't mind.


That was Al of Alnshely.
He has explained it countless times.
Hanford I know he won't mind but give him a gingle, and he can guide you to the link.

Here it is...
These were Alnshely's great instructions from a previous post. This will show you how to get your photos posted.-John

You can't post pics on TC. What you're seeing is a BB Code link to a picture posted somewhere on the web. Stay with me, believe me if I can do it, you can train a monkey to do it.

Step one. Go to Shutterfly.com. This is a free service. They are a good online photo service. One of our Moderators, Mig, works there. It is easy to download photos. here's how

  1. Setup an account. It's easy they only want your Email address.
  2. Download photos. Easy as pie. the step by step will show you how.
  3. Now that your pics are posted they will all have a unique web address.

The pictures you see on TC are a direct link to that web address

Step two. determining the web address

  1. Open your pic on Shutterfly.
  2. Use your mouse, "right click" your pic.
  3. A menu will open. Choose properties (left click).
  4. A properties box will open. there will be a web address (URL)
    to that specific pic.

Step three. posting

  1. Hit the post button on TC.
  2. Copy and paste your pictures web address.
  3. Type ![]( directly before the address No spaces.
  4. Type ) directly after. No spaces, include brackets.
  5. Hit submit.
  6. That's it.

Now read TC's FAQ, on posting pictures.

My first four tiki attempts from left to right 1st 2nd and so on any comments welcomed thomsart.com

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