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Extra- G-Man and Basement Kahuna Make Up (But Do Not Kiss)

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The countries of Basement Kahuna and G-man have officially agreed to bury the hatchet of all previous posts, as noted in this photo. Prime Minister G-man and President Kahuna are seen here holding a facsimile plaque-copy of the Treaty Of BK-G For The Furtherance Of Sacred Tiki Heritage, noted at the signing ceremony. This treaty assures future cooperation in the realm of Strategic Post Reduction and Posts Of Mass Destruction as well as enhanced diplomacy for newly-inducted members within the United Nations Of Tiki Central. Both men were swiftly removed from the building under tight security.

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna 2007-03-18 20:22 ]

GMAN posted on Sun, Mar 18, 2007 8:46 PM

I am raising a big glass of Hennessy to BK for working this issue out with me today. We spent literally hours typing PMs back and forth. We each had very good points. I am very happy with the outcome.


Thank Tiki-God for that!! Well done guys.

Tama :) :) :)

Great news Carvemeisters!

Golly gee wizzzzz, that's fantastic. Do you really think so many people are watching your tango that it warrants a new thread? Really, who the fuck cares?


On 2007-03-18 22:24, PoisonIvy wrote:
Golly gee wizzzzz, that's fantastic. Do you really think so many people are watching your tango that it warrants a new thread? Really, who the fuck cares?

Well I for one give a fk. Given the number of people commenting in Gmans carving thread and the Cliff Whiting carving thread obviously a number of other people give a fk too. I think it’s great that these guys have put aside their differences because they realise it is in the best interest of TC.

The coolest tiki art is not bought on ebay, it comes personally from my fellow artists on TC

[ Edited by: hewey 2007-03-19 02:49 ]


On 2007-03-18 22:24, PoisonIvy wrote:
Golly gee wizzzzz, that's fantastic. Do you really think so many people are watching your tango that it warrants a new thread? Really, who the fuck cares?

Aren't there some flies somewhere you should be pulling the wings off?

On 2007-03-18 22:24, PoisonIvy wrote:
Golly gee wizzzzz, that's fantastic. Do you really think so many people are watching your tango that it warrants a new thread? Really, who the fuck cares?

Jeez; poisonous alright. Did you really have nothing better to do than type that? Get a (nice) life; this is the very thing we are celebrating an end of.

Can we vote for members to be kicked off? I nominate this endearing fellow; I dont want to be a part of any group that allows its members to get away with this sort of talk! We all have our fun but that is just uneccesary. I have 1001 witty & clever insults racing through my head but will not waste a single one of them on you...

So sad.

Tama :(

BK is probably the most talented carver here. I give a f,ck. Poison Ivy I hope your bad juju isn't contagious


I'm soooo glad!!!!!! You 2 may not realize, but squabbles like this can cause a bit of awkwardness for us onlookers who usually praise people for their good work. For instance- Say I like both of you guys and really enjoy both of your threads/posts and think you are awesome artists (it's true). BUT- if I post praises for one of you on a particular day, then does the other think I'm a 'bad guy' too, taking sides to one artist/carver over the other, rooting for the wrong team, showing favoritism? That's never been the case with me and maybe neither of you ever thought like that but it crossed my mind a time or two.. Plus --we're brothers of the south, we should stick together!

Awwwwguster, Jawja!


I give a f**k too, harmony, harmony, harmony, harmony.
Well done guys, you are both talented artists, it's crap for people when different "camps" occur.
Best Regards to you all.
a.k.a Luke Stonescraper


This is the second thread in two days where a supposed established member comes in here and literaly commits e-thuggery! Why? If you didn't have anything inteligent to say, why did you go out of your way to hurt? I am not getting it. Yes, I agree with the Banning or at least a timeout statement. Dayuum!

As you are (most) all aware, there has been alot of friction between the two camps and for this thread to have been achieved is in fact something I care about. It's about the art of the culture we all (supposedly) share an interest or passion in.


Bravo BK & GMAN!

Amen! Well said McTiki.

Both G and BK deserve a Mai Tai for this. :drink: :drink:

I come here for Tikis not fights. Glad you guys made up.

If anyone wants to see a real fight check this out. http://www.dailymotion.com/visited/search/hunt%2Bfedor/video/xw9cx_pride-shockwave-2006-fedor-vs-hunt
Now these heavy weights know how to fight. :D Bilge worthy, I know.

just adding my vote. i care a lot. way to step above the bs, guys. it makes(almost)all of us feel great about tc again.

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