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Pernod-Marinated Fennel and Apple Tea Sandwiches

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I came across this awhile back on some food-related website. I haven't tried it as I'm out of Pernod, (and I"m sure not going to crack open a precious bottle of absinthe for this) so it's up to some other enterprising soul.

If you try it, please report back with your impressions.

  • SV

Pernod-Marinated Fennel and Apple Tea Sandwiches
By Aïda Mollenkamp
Pernod, a bright yellow anise-flavored liqueur, adds just the right note to crisp, thinly sliced fennel and apple. And fresh goat cheese provides a bit of tang and a smooth creaminess.


Total Time: 15 mins
Active Time: 15 mins
Makes: 16 tea sandwiches (or 4
regular sandwiches)


8 slices nutty oat bread
1 small or 1/2 medium head fennel
1 medium Granny Smith apple
4 teaspoons Pernod or other anise-
flavored liqueur
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
8 tablespoons chèvre (fresh goat


1 Remove crusts from bread and flatten each slice with a rolling pin.
2 Clean fennel bulb by trimming the root ends and cutting off the fibrous
green stalks. Halve fennel bulb lengthwise, remove any outer layers that
are brown or shriveled, and trim away the core. Using a mandoline or a
very sharp knife, cut into paper-thin, lengthwise slices. Reserve 3/4 cup
sliced fennel for the sandwiches; save leftovers for another use.
3 Slice apple in half lengthwise, and remove the core with a melon baller or
a paring knife. Use a mandoline or a very sharp knife to slice apple
lengthwise into paper-thin pieces. Reserve 1 cup sliced apple for the
sandwiches; save leftovers for another use.
4 In a medium mixing bowl, combine reserved fennel and apple slices,
anise-flavored liqueur, and olive oil. Season generously with salt and
freshly ground black pepper, and toss until fennel and apple are well
coated. Taste to check the seasoning, and adjust as necessary.
5 Evenly spread 1 tablespoon of the goat cheese over one side of each
slice of bread. Drain fennel-and-apple mixture to remove excess
marinade, and evenly distribute among 4 slices of bread, laying it over
goat cheese. Close the sandwiches with 4 remaining slices of bread. If
making tea sandwiches, trim the edges again, and cut each sandwich into
4 triangles; serve immediately.

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