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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

My first Tiki Carving

Pages: 1 3 replies

I make foam sculptures for commercial and other purposes. I would like you creative tiki lov'n experts to let me know what you think. I am going to do a larger on, say around 6-7 feet tall for parties. I put a fake light/flame kit in the mouth and it looks fantastic.



Quite Exqisite for a first I must say.

Now, the dirt, Is this wood? or Foam to be made to look like wood? In either case, it is very cool. The color is rich.

What did you use to create this?

Any progress pics of the larger one yet?

Welcome to TC


Very nice. Any shots of it being used?

Very nice and professional.
But the crossed eyes thing doesn´t work for me.

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