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Tiki Central / Tiki Music

Ukulele News

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Aloha, Tiki friends...

Shirley Orlando here. I will be giving two classes in ukulele beginning January 16th at 6:30. After only 6 weeks you should be playing 15 chords, 15 songs and two or three strum styles. I am also offering a Beginner II class and Intermediate ukulele in March.

UKULELE CRUISE- Susan Mc Cormick of the Southern California Ukulele Festival has organized a 3day Cruise for ukulele players. The cruise begins on April 18 through the 21st. Please join us. Lots of ukulele and great things to do. I will be conducting ukulele workshops and jam sessions. Pat Enos of Smokin' Menehunes will do the same, but Hawaiian style.
Dang...I forgot the website. Contact Susan Mc Cormick at:
[email protected] for more information, or call me at Island Bazaar- 714-843-9350

For a couple of neat ukulele strums, see my tutorial on youtube: Ukulelegirl in the "search" area of youtube.

Victoria Vox will be appearing at Island Bazaar on January 18th for a workshop and a performance on the 19th. Call me for info and I will Email the flyer to you.

I miss all you folks I used to hang with...I see some of your goings on in Tiki mag. I carry it at Island Bazaar. Please stop in and see me.

A great big warm mahalo nui loa from Shirley

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