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WAITIKI nominated for the Hawaii Music Awards!

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WAITIKI has received its second nomination for the Hawaii Music Awards. We were first nominated last year for our debut album "Charred Mammal Flesh: Exotic Music for BBQ," and were duly honored: not only with the nomination (and subsequent "Exotica Album of the Year" award), but also with the creation of a category for Exotica.

As far as we know, last year was the first time an awards/recognition program in Hawaii had a category for exotica music! This year, we are honored to be sharing the Exotica category with Jim Bacchi's TIkiyaki Orchestra project. May this be the start of a long and prosperous category for tikiphiles and musicians alike.

WAITIKI's nomination is for our sophomore release: Rendezvous in Okonkuluku.


A valid email address is required, and only one vote per email address is allowed per day. You can vote multiple times by voting from separate email accounts, and on different days.


  • Available on CD and 12" Vinyl LP; purchase online, or on iTunes.
  • Features original compositions by WAITIKI's own: The Mayor of Exotica (Tim Mayer), Mr. Ho (Brian O'Neill), and Prof. Humming Flower (Randy Wong) and exotica classics by Martin Denny, Paul Conrad, and Les Baxter
  • Guest musicians include Mistress Helenini, The Real Drank Sumatra, and the Maunawili Bird Society
  • Artwork/illustrations by Sam Gambino; photography by Jason Goodman; modeling by Sherry Shaoling
  • Produced by Br. Cleve and mixed by Ducky Carlisle

Okonkuluku, and thank you for voting in the Hawaii Music Awards!


WAITIKI: Exotic Tiki Entertainment From Polynesia & Beyond
Videos, MP3s, and More at http://www.waitiki.com

[ Edited by: professahhummingflowah 2008-01-15 16:05 ]

[ Edited by: professahhummingflowah 2008-01-16 17:20 ]


Not only is this CD my favorite exotica CD, it's my favorite CD of 2007.
Brother Cleve did a magnificent job of making the already awesome songs sonically intricate and entertaining.

Although I like the ambient nature of exotica, I love the melodies and counterpoint of a well-crafted song as something you can hum.

Which way's the door?
Sorry lady.


I agree whole heartedly. The latest Waitiki CD plus vinyl variant release is a major accomplishment in the contemporary Exotica genre. And it's catchy as hell.


I got Voodoo II and Okonkulu on the same day. By the 2nd time through, I was already losing interest in Voodoo II but I still listen to my Waitiki CD all the time.



Already voted twice!!

vote early, vote often.

Thanks guys!

My vote is in for today.... Best wishes guys! Your music is top notch.

Mr. Ho posted on Tue, Feb 5, 2008 3:52 PM


Well, mahalo to everyone who voted. We just found out that WAITIKI won the 2007 HMA for Exotica Category. Best to the competition, Tikiyaki Orchestra, who helped grow the number of nominees by 100%!

Story: http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/2008/Feb/04/br/br1930658247.html


Congrats, Mr. Ho and all the Waitiki guys!


BIG congrats to Boston's best Exotica band - WAITIKI!


Congratz to Waitiki for winning this year's HMA for Exotica !

Is anyone going over to Hawaii to accept the award ?

pablus posted on Wed, Feb 6, 2008 6:52 AM

I'll fly over and accept it for them.

"On behalf of Waitiki and the Kingdom of Okonkuluku, I bid you pandas, watermelons and plamingos.
Mahalo for this, their second chunk of gilded metal. Prepare to be sacrificed. BWAAAAA-NAAAAAAAA - BWAAAAA-NAAAAAA-AAAAYYYYYYYYY."

Good news guys. Proud to know you. For real.


Oh snap...they mentioned the Exotica category, and both bands in the Honlulu Advertiser story.....
That's pretty cool.


Thats really good news!
Next drink is on me! Next time I see you guys!


Many Congrats again!



Congrats to Waitiki for winnin' and to Tikiyaki for making it into the awards.

I dig both your music the most!


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