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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Tiki Paraphernalia as Weapons of Destruction

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Tonight's episode of the mostly lifeless new "Twilight Zone" (I was feeling mostly lifeless myself, that's why it got watched) had a remake of the original "Twilight Zone" episode "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street". The production limped along until it took a turn for the humorous during the final scene when the neighborhood descends on the new people's house in classic peasants-storming-the-castle style. What was funny was that among the "weapons" being waved in the air by the neighborhood (a crutch, a level, a hockey stick, etc) were several Tiki torches and a giant Tiki fork. The torches were actually used to set the house on fire (ooops- should have given a "Spoiler Alert"). The use of Tiki items for evil purposes could have been an attempt at depth (Wha-? Items of leisure used as items of hate? Wow.) but considering the overall blank quality of the episode I think it was just unintentional silliness.

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