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CRAWL... drunken posts go here

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mig posted on Sun, Mar 9, 2003 3:50 AM

Okay kids-- it's almost 3am and I've had, by myself, three volcanos. (One at Sam's, two at the Bamboo Hut.) It was kind of a crazy night-- a last-minute logistical problem almost hosed us at the Bamboo Hut-- but we DID IT!!! AND WE GOT EVERYBODY IN!!! My "legs" sunglasses remained intact without getting stolen. I think a lot of TC people went over to Hawaii West to catch the rescheduled Petty Booka... I am dying to hear how that went.

In the meantime, the night is pretty much over, and I'm waiting to hear any other reviews. MIA: one mr. Hanford... and also one miss Tiki Cutie. WHERE THE HECK WERE THEY?!?!?!!

Okay, going to go pass out...

Still able to type.

And here's some verrrry incriminating pictures!



More Photos!

Had a blast! We've gotta meet like that more often.




I owe everyone a HUGE apology ... (especially martin - I hope you got the message I left for you at the tonga room) thanks to my lack of direction (and the city's severe lack of parking) I completely flaked. After leaving Sam's I tried to find the Tonga Room and ended up in Chinatown. By the time I made it to Bamboo Hut (at 10 to 10) you could barely get in the door it was SOOO packed. So I decided to cut my losses and drive back to the south bay. I never did find the tonga room... :(

Hey Mig.
TikiCutie walked into the Tonga Room for a short visit. You didn't see her? She was dressed all in blue. Looked cool to me.
As for me and the Mrs., we loved the whole thing, I am in awe. I will post more later (very tired). And I'll get a slide show up within a couple days. It was great meeting all of you, even those I didn't meet. HA!



it was nice meeting everyone, a big mahalo has to go out to martin for orchestrating(sp?) this huge event,and keeping everyone alive.

when i get back to vegas i post pics too.

On 2003-03-09 17:07, hula hula wrote:
when i get back to vegas i post pics too.

Hey Hula,
After Saturday's events, one wonders if you'll post them all....


A joyous night!

I'm just going through the memories and trying to sort out names, faces, and events.

Such fun, such frivolity, I love it!


My brain still hurts, but in a good way. It can't be over!

mig posted on Mon, Mar 10, 2003 10:46 AM

Tikimel-- darnit, you should have stopped at the BH anyway! At that time, it was totally empty inside-- but there was a huge line outside. They were holding the line so that they could let all the Crawlers in at the same time. At about 10:20, they let in all the Crawlers, while still keeping the randoms outside.

It was a bit crowded, so a lot of people went over to Hawaii West (small Asiany, hemi-tiki bar) a few blocks away.

I'll post my own pictures soon...

Who put the sulfites in my pu pu's at the Foggy Grotto!?! I almost met the Big Kahuna in the sky!!!

In case you are wondering what the heck happened to me on Sat, little did I know that Martiki had secretly attempted to bump me off-there were sulfites hiding in the pu pu's-shrimp poppers, etc. I have a very serious allergy to sulfites-was hospitalized before for it...I didn't want to embarrass the Centralites by ordering up an ambulance to rescue me from the Tonga, so I hid out and eventually cabbed home.

Worst part of it all was I didn't get to see much of the Tonga, and never made it to the Bamboo Hut!!! Missed a big chunk of the crawl! Good news...I'm still here, and as tacky as ever. Next year I'll bring my own stash of snacks and wear a medical alert bracelet...but with tiki charms on it so it looks cool.

here's a round of Mai Tais for you all!

:drink: :drink: :drink:
:drink: :drink:
:drink: :drink: :drink:

Love ya all!!

Tacky Tiki

Now why didn't they come out in a circle!?

I'll try again for a 'round'!

:drink: :drink: :drink:
:drink: ***** :drink:
:drink: :drink: :drink:

Tacky Tiki

[ Edited by: Tacky Tiki on 2003-03-10 11:54 ]

[ Edited by: Tacky Tiki on 2003-03-10 14:57 ]

Fun! Was! Had!

Big, big thanks to all involved in pulling this feat off, especially Martiki (who's Foggy Grotto was deee-vine). I didn't get a chance to meet & talk with everyone, but the vibe was there and I felt like I was with family. Can't wait for the next event!

Here's my crappy pics -- the first half are very bad, as I had my camera on the wrong setting (oops!):


mig posted on Mon, Mar 10, 2003 12:05 PM

And here are my pics!

I myself didn't make it to the Tonga Room-- the executive decision was made to get to the BH early to stake out spots and make sure everything was okay to get everybody in. A good move, as it turned out.

Anyway, my pictures are at:

Enjoy! So nice to meet so many people finally! (I won't start listing because we'll be here all day.)

Good drunken times!

I really enjoyed meeting the SoCal contingent that came up for the crawl:
PolyPop(I thought you'd be taller), TraderPup, HulaHula, Floratina & Sugarcadddydaddy.....a fun group indeed & not the least bit "hoity-toity"!!
It was great to see SweetPea & TikiMamma (& crew), who are totally hilarious & we dont see nearly enough of!

I had a great time as usual, but where the fuck was Hanford???


I had a great time at the crawl, too. BIG GIGANTIC MAHALOZ to Martin for putting together such a great night on the bus. It was truly THE way to go.

Some of my pics are here:

My camera battery died at the Tonga and I was really disappointed to not get pics of Petty Booka later on - they were amazing! I did, however, get lots of pics on Sunday of TC-ers playing with Play-Doh.

Great to see you all and finally put a few more faces to the names here. Really looking forward to the Oasis. Hope to see you all there!


Tiki-bot the pics on your page are referencing your hard-drive. Can't see them!

BTW - MAJOR PROPS TO MARTIKI!!! The bus was definitely Big Pimpin'. I felt like a rock star.

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-03-10 15:24 ]


On 2003-03-10 15:19, PolynesianPop wrote:
Tiki-bot the pics on your page are referencing your hard-drive. Can't see them!

D'oh...working on it now. I'm lame when it comes to HTML.


I had a blast! It was great to meet some of you folks that I have never met. I wish I got to talk to all of you that were there. I really wanted to talk to Tacky Tiki (hope you're feeling better) because you looked so darn cool with your bouffant hairdo and all your accessories but I didn't get a chance before you disappeared. Trad'r Sams wasn't the usual lame fratboy scene because we got there early before the masses. The Tonga Room was the highlight for me because the staff was cool for once and didn't hassle us. I had a great time dancing to the bad 80s cover band. TraderFrank and his companion (sorry, I suck at remembering names) cut a mean rug as well. The Zombie I had at the Tonga Room turned me into the living dead so I can't remember much after the Tonga Room!

Friday night was a good time too at Trader Vic's and Mrsmiley's and Enid's and I really enjoyed having lunch with TikiMaxton and his wife Maggie at Trader Vic's on Saturday. Unfortunately, they couldn't make the crawl because they had made plans long before they knew the crawl date that they couldn't change.

It was kinda weird how I wore the same Sandwich Isles jacket as WillTheThrill on Friday night and the same aloha shirt as Traderpup on Saturday!

I have been wondering ... Since there were only about 35 or fewer people on the bus, who paid for the unused seats? Martin? If that's the case please tell us what we owe you for the unsold ones so we can pay you back.


It turns out I missed EVERYTHING! :( From the pictures and stories it sounds like everyone had a real blast! I am really disappointed that I missed it. Thanks for the phone calls everyone! And I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to meet anyone from out of town or first-time-TC-event-goers, because that’s always my favorite part of these things!


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2003-03-10 19:31 ]


"Friday night was a good time too "

We add our "us too" here. A special thanks to Bruce and Enid for their fabulous hospitality at the Ugh House*. Certainly a highlight seeing the infamous abode. Was happy to meet a few more TC'ers at TV's as well.

Those are some handsome goats,

I'm still in sensory overload from the weekend!

Many thanks to Martin and Rebecca for their hospitality Saturday night! The Foggy Grotto is incredible!

Many thanks to Bruce & Enid for opening the Ugh House to the masses.... overwhelming! It is a must-see if anyone gets the chance!

Many thanks to the family at Munktiki for giving the Hoiti Toiti group a studio tour! I am very impressed with the whole operation!

I very much enjoyed meeting so many Centralites over the weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing many of you again at Oasis!

Anyone who missed Petty Booka at Hawaii West on Saturday night really missed out! They are currently on US tour, so check petty-booka.com to see if they will be playing in your area.

Okay, I'd post more, but though the weekend is over, my brain is still processing Friday night, and will take some time to put it all together.

Thanks to everyone for a great weekend!


To Martin and Rebecca:

The Foggy Grotto was fantastic! Great drinks, great atmosphere, great people. Won't mention the food...
Thanks for having us and thanks for the 'Tiki Bar Starter Kit'-next weekend we'll work on the frame some more and get that bar built yet!

To The Jab:

I'm feeling better..I'm local so I'll run into you again sometime. Hey, is their any truth to the rumor that you got lost between the bus and the Bamboo Hut due to excessive mai tai consumption?

To the Hoity Toities:

You are all great! Can't wait to see you guys again! And next time, I'll get that jug of mai tais away from you...

And everyone else-thanks for the fantastic Fri. and Sat.! Tiki Centralites are the hippest cats in town!


Tacky Tiki


Hey, is their any truth to the rumor that you got lost between the bus and the Bamboo Hut due to excessive mai tai consumption?[quote/]

I don't remember it too well but some of us didn't stick around at the Bamboo Hut because it was so crowded so we headed back to the bus for some more punch. At one point I decided to go back to the Bamboo Hut but couldn't find the darn thing (even though I've been there several times)! I did make it back to the bus in one piece though. I was finding it sorta hard to walk by then but I didn't puke! Those Zombies are killers!


Well, well, well...that was a mighty fine weekend. Hoiti Toitis, you gotta admit: We know what we're doing up here.

To start with, Thursday was a fine night at The Odeon. For those of us who had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Smiley's golden pipes, it was well worth the price of admission. (which was free)

Vic's staff was excellent with us on Friday- and the check worked out perfectly, which was a pleasant surprise! Watch for Hula Hula's new bowl to show up on eBay- if anyone sees it, he is to be excommunicated from TC! :)
Thanks again to the Smiley's for their gracious hospitality on Friday night. The Ugh tiki bar looks better than ever if that's possible.

Saturday was fantabuloso. It was great to have people over to our little Grotto. The good people of my Richmond District will think twice before boarding the 38 Geary bus again thanks to us.

Mel, Mel, Mel: We felt terrible that you couldn't make it. Thanks for calling us and letting us know what was going on, but we missed you! Damn city parking! There will most definitely be more parties in the near future, and your first drink is on me.

Tacky: What can I say? :( I went back and checked all our pu-pus, and there were no shrimp. There was a small amount of white wine in the kitchen punch, so that might have done it. We definitely missed you and Audrey on the rest of the Crawl. Just like Mel, we’ll see you again soon, and your first glass of wine is on me-er, I mean your first drink!

Yeah, I thought it was pretty cool when we got to the Bamboo Hut and they opened the Velvet Rope for us ahead of the line. I felt like DiCaprio at the Viper Room! Some guys in line got really pissed at the door guy when it happened, too, and he told them off in no uncertain terms. We are soooo cool.

I’ll have pictures up soon. I have to get them developed: remember that. Thanks to everyone for making it a great event. Special thanks to everyone who traveled from far and wide to be here: The Hoiti Toitis, The Jungle Traders from our great Central Valley, Sweet Pea from the Great Wet North, and furthest of all (I think), the accurately named TikiCutie all the way from sunny Florida!

See everyone soon, I hope!




Thanks for asking about the bus money situation. In answer to your question, yes we were short on the bill, and I'm out of pocket $125. It would have been a lot worse if not for the kind donations of several people already.

If anyone wants to lend a hand on this, it would be VERY much appreciated. You can find my PayPal info in previous posts. If you've already pitched in extra, or bought us drinks, then thanks a million and please don't send any more.

Oh!: Thanks to everyone who brought extra drinks, food, and decor for the bus, and to the mighty Trader Pup for those fantastic CDs for all the passengers on The Minnow/Sufferin' Bustard.

thanks all,


Now that I'm sober, some photos:

Here's why they call it the UGH House.

The gang outside the UGH house (Friday night)

Mr. and Mrs. Martiki on the 38-Geary, the other bus we rode that evening:

The first bar of the evening

Heather, Craig, Blair and Rebecca at Trad'r Sam:

Martiki and Big Bad Tiki Daddy chat at the Tonga Room

Tiki-bot and Floratina fondle Tiki Bob

Post your photos, people!

[ Edited by: cynfulcynner on 2003-03-10 23:23 ]

One of these days I'll be able to post photos right the first time....sigh.

[ Edited by: cynfulcynner on 2003-03-10 23:25 ]

ok here's a ton of pics, from our road trip to munktiki and the crawl enjoy



MARTIN SAID "Yeah, I thought it was pretty cool when we got to the Bamboo Hut and
they opened the Velvet Rope for us ahead of the line. I felt like
DiCaprio at the Viper Room! "


MARTIN SEZ-"Yeah, I thought it was pretty cool when we got to the Bamboo Hut and
they opened the Velvet Rope for us ahead of the line. I felt like
DiCaprio at the Viper Room! "

DOODIE SEZ-"And you LOOKED like DiCaprio!!"

Hey Hula, where did you get that pic of the Royal Hawaiian Motel? Where was that?


What us hoite toites down south that did not get up there for this wild gig is who is the gal packin the cigarette case and cell phone?? My, My, My....goodness.



I was actually wondering who all the people in the pics were. I recognized a few people from other pic posts.

Tacky Techie Tiki Bar

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2003-03-11 14:04 ]


the royal hawaiian is in baker, I was stoping for gas and stumbled upon it , my camera battery was so dead i could only snap 2 pics, no tiki from the front but it has an A frame style, i'd love to explore more next time.


That's funny because I stumbled on the Royal Hawaiian motel in Baker as well the weekend before the crawl after visiting Death Valley. We were going to stay there but they were full. Didn't see any tikis and didn't get any pictures.


I'll be posting pics soon, I swear.


I had a great time meeting several of you along the way. I have known Mig for a while and when I heard about the Tiki Bar Crawl I knew I needed to make the trip. I made the decision the Tuesday before and I am very glad I did. I have added several pictures with comments to my website for those of you who want to check them out. If you are ever in Seattle look me up and we'll go Tiki bar crawling here. There are a few to crawl into and out of here as well. :wink: Humuhumu give me a call sometime and well go out on the town sometime.




As Promised:

Pics from Craig(Melintur), Heather(TikiMama) and our friend Blair(TikiMonkey).

Yes, it's my first time using Shutterfly, so my album is named "test." Go figure.



good job craig, you got a pic of my crotch!


I'd like it to be known that I did not have the camera all night, and I made no editing of the photos. :)

After all, I really didn't want to post that last one where I'm about to fall asleep, but hey - A documentarian doesn't edit.

Or something like that.

As a side note, I think Heather is responsible for that shot.

On 2003-03-11 20:56, hula hula wrote:
good job craig, you got a pic of my crotch!

mig posted on Wed, Mar 12, 2003 3:42 PM


Trustar, that was a local burlesquer, Gigi D'Vine...

She's also known as Baby Jane. Star quality.


Gigi D'Vine was truly devine!!!!! I'll have to make my way to her burlesque show next time I am in town.

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to put in my big mahalo and give props to everyone who was responsible for putting together a kick-ass good time on Sat. night.

It was great to finally meet some other TC'ers although I didn't get to meet as many as I wanted... alas.

Anyway, I'm sure I won't get any work done tomorrow because I'll be looking at all of the great pics y'all have posted. I can't wait for the next event.

Aloha and mahalo!

Trader Pup, I didn't get a chance to check out the tiki necklace guys you were selling (I think it was you)... What's the deal with them? Got any left?

What a riot! Martin, you're a genius. That bus ride was truly memorable. I recall many of us said we should just do that again, but without ever getting off...I can't really argue with that.

Well, especially if we included the Tonga Room. Attitude aside, what an amazing place. The rain--I LOVE that. I could sit there all night. And it's true, they are slowly getting nicer. Guess some people just don't know a gift tiki when they see one...

TackyTiki, I'm so sorry I didn't realize what was the matter with you! Question: do EpiPens help you? I have a similarly nasty allergy...peanuts, alas. No Thai food for me.

Hanford, hope to see ya next time! and to quite a few others I met for the first time, we must do this more often. Tiki Cutie, perhaps we'll meet again in Florida--I wanna see yer go-go boot collection! And Humuhumu, I am going to Seattle soon if it's the last thing I do. Hope to see you there!

I must say--I love our Hoiti Toiti friends. It was so incredible that you came all that way to party with us. Talk about the Tiki Spirit! Hope you had some good thrift finds, too...and here's to the good times to come! I treasure my Hoiti Toiti badge, by the way...

Hula Hula, you are THE rock 'n roll Tiki Party Animal of all time. No contest!

...and may I also second BBTD's sentiment that Tiki Mama and Sweetpea are delightful and it'd be great to see them more often? Good. Consider it done. Sweetpea, keep that dress. Trust me. It is so you.

Doodie's always welcome too...what did he think of the Ugh House? I imagine he'd feel right at home.

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