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Bongofury's Lamp Projects

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bongofury posted on 02/07/2009

One of my first projects was the pufferfish in a glass float. I can't find the pix, but I have posted them on TC somewhere.

This was my next project.

I bought this new large float (20" ?) for the rear outrigger on the bar to go with the vintage red float light at the other end.

I etched the glass and...

installed a light kit...

Next was a $4.00 flea market light up globe...

Moved the light to the top and removed the stand..

Forgot to take before pix, but some of you have seen this ship's wheel wine (rum) rack sitting in our bars. Had some cool barkcloth left over from recovering a rattan stool...

I need to get a night shot. Here I added a light kit to a BambooBen A-Frame thingy...

This was my last project, again no shot of the crate before I started. Just added some vintage tapacloth and a light kit...

This old crate is heavy! Took a while to hang it...


Trad'r Bill posted on 02/07/2009

Yeah!! Love the lamps - especially the crate and A-Frame

Trad'r Bill

Big Kahuna posted on 02/07/2009

Great Lamps! I think it's time for some more pics of your place, Bongo.

MadDogMike posted on 02/07/2009

Amazing stuff Bongo - the globe is especially unique, it would also look great in the antique brown. Is that a home bar or do you own a commercial tiki bar?

tikiskip posted on 02/07/2009

nice lights!
I have a large glass jug like your last picture.
Can't wait to tie that one!

Slacks Ferret posted on 02/07/2009

Looks great in there Bongo! Even with just the (limited) photos of the ceiling, I can tell that's an awesome tiki room.

GROG posted on 02/07/2009

Ya'll need to move out of GROG' house.

RevBambooBen posted on 02/08/2009


Cool Beans!

That tear drop is super cool.

Queen K got a bunch of big glass colored jugs with fish net on em

and we

just stuck a strand of mini x mas lights in em and they

came out pretty neat.

Just an idear for the tear drop.

Dustycajun posted on 02/11/2009


I do believe I have seen the light! Great projects, very illuminating.

I just got this postcard from a place in Montreal with some fixtures that might give you some more ideas (as in light bulb).


Shipwreckjoey posted on 02/11/2009

Those are some mighty fine lights Ron. I've often been tempted to try my hand at the "Electrical Arts", but I'm lucky if I can install a ceiling fan without shocking the shit out of myself. A friend of mine in Long Beach was doing neon lights, but that's mostly about bending glass tube and gases.

Lake Surfer posted on 02/11/2009


You're the "Urban Beachcomber!"

Nice creations, and they look great on display!

Tangaroa-Ru posted on 02/18/2009

Truly inspired, Bongofury! Aloha to you and your fine missus.

Polynesiac posted on 02/19/2009

great lights, Bongo!!!!
The float lights are very well done and you certainly have the creative eye with your other creations. I absolutely LOVE your ships wheel light and your version of the crate light. I always admire the one at OA whenever I'm in there and yours looks just as cool, if not cooler.

Your backyard hideaway is looking AMAZING!!!!!!!!

1961surf posted on 02/19/2009

What is it that you spray on the inside of the glass float to difuse light
and you don't see the bulb to give it that glowing globe look.
Secondly how do you cut the hole in the glass to put the fixture in?

bongofury posted on 02/20/2009

Thanks all.
While most of the things I collect and display are vintage, I am proud to feature artists that keep the vintage style in their art. In the Rincon Room you will see Bamboo Ben, Tiki Diablo, Lake Surfer, Flounder, Joe Vitale, Oceanic Arts, Tiki Tony, Polynesiac, Polynesian Pop, Swamp Fire, Wayne Coombs, Tacky Tiki, Bosko, Monkeyman, plus many more. The lamps are copied from you all, and all are welcome to visit anytime. Mahalo again! Watch for the next Rincon Room Party as it may be the last.......

bongofury posted on 02/20/2009

Duplicate post

[ Edited by: bongofury 2009-02-19 20:25 ]

bongofury posted on 02/20/2009

Thanks all.
While most of the things I collect and display are vintage, I am proud to feature artists that keep the vintage style in their art. In the Rincon Room you will see Bamboo Ben, Tiki Diablo, Lake Surfer, Flounder, Joe Vitale, Oceanic Arts, Tiki Tony, Polynesiac, Polynesian Pop, Swamp Fire, Wayne Coombs, Tacky Tiki, Bosko, Monkeyman, plus many more. The lamps are copied from you all, and all are welcome to visit anytime. Mahalo again! Watch for the next Rincon Room Party as it may be the last.......Ads far as the floats. The pufferfish float took me a couple of attempts on vintage floats with a Makita grinder and a diamond blade.... The blue 20" float was from a store in Pismo (closed) that I posted.....nobody seemed interested so i just bought the one. Coated the outside with "Armour Etch" and added a Home Depot Light Kit. The hole was already in it!

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blindy the pirate posted on 02/20/2009

Great stuff. I've always loved making lamps. I haven't done any stuff that could be posted here but it is so fun and the possibilities are nearly endless.

I had an old water jug I fulled with bottle caps and turned it into a lamp when I was in college. It weighted a ton but fit in perfectly with the bar that was my apartment back then.

The crate is cool as all get out. And now I'm going to have to go find a lighted globe someplace (Don't worry, I won't tell my wife it was you. :P)

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NOTCH posted on 02/22/2009

Man Bongo!
Your hangin lamps look Fantastic

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