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Tiki Central / General Tiki

The Biggest Tiki Movie scene of them all.

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OK, here's one we all missed on the last thread (Tiki's in Old Movies). In "The Biggest Bundle of Them All", Edward G Robinson, Bob Wagner and Raquel Welch throw down in a picture perfect tiki bar (ostensibly in Italy, but hey, looks like LA to me). I'm talking spears on the walls, giant Tiki totems, grass walls and exotic music. I was waiting for Edward G to order a scorpion bowl for the table, but he cops out and orders a bottle of wine. Sample quote from a sweaty Robinson, post dancing with Welch: "She wanted me to watusi, and I haven't even learned the mashed potato yet!"

The movie is toss, but its well worth catching that scene. I saw it on TCM.

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