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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Attention Portlanders and other NW locals

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Next Friday, April 18th (Good Friday, for those of you who care), we're expecting a visit from Tiki Socialite, Castaway Cove Czarina of Propaganda and all 'round super-cool chick Frenchy Polynesia (a former Portlander herself). Won't you join us in rolling out the red carpet and celebrating her all-too-brief return with a little get-together? I'm thinking we could maybe catch Pink Martini (for FREE, no less) at the new Convention Center grand opening party, then go for drinks and hopped-up karaoke at Alibi. Who's in? C'mon folks, it's not everyday we get a TC legend like Frenchy in town!

Hey TikiMaxton,

Friday, Kitty and I are having a family birthday party at our place. It will be over fairly early so I was thinking we might catch up with you guys at the Alibi. DiTiki, my evil stepdaughter, and her boyfriend, hopefully will head over with us.
Hope to see you there.


That sounds like a plan. I don't have the details on the Pink Martini show yet, but when I do I'll have a better idea as to when we will be heading over to Alibi. I'll let you know then.

On 2003-04-13 23:29, mrtikibar wrote:
Hey TikiMaxton,

Friday, Kitty and I are having a family birthday party at our place. It will be over fairly early so I was thinking we might catch up with you guys at the Alibi. DiTiki, my evil stepdaughter, and her boyfriend, hopefully will head over with us.
Hope to see you there.

Okay, here's the deal on Pink Martini: They're playing Friday the 18th at the Convention Center Big Bash from 8:30 to 10, (details can be had at http://www.oregoncc.org/celebration/entertainment.htm ) so we'll likley be at Alibi around 10:30. We might also go for a bit before the show, but don't count on it. I'm hoping those of you in the Portland area will come out and hang with Frenchie Polynesia during her visit - The Pink Martini show should be great (and it's free!), and we can make a good showing at Alibi, too...

[ Edited by: TikiMaxton on 2003-04-14 18:53 ]


Dang, that would be a good friday indeed. I'd love to see Pink Martini...I mean, meet Frenchy...But last I checked Portland is around 2 hours-ish away from Seaddled and apparently if I want to get paychecks from the bosses I have to do something called "work" and this "work" thing happens to be happening on Friday. I'll think Tiki thoughts in your direction as I gild another lilly for my rich boss lady.

Well, Woof, this IS a nighttime deal, as Pink Martini's not starting 'till 8:30. I dunno - work seems like a pretty flimsy excuse to me, but then again I'm practically BEGGING to get fired...

How cool is it to come back from vacation and find out there will be a Portland
'event' within a week?
Count 2 more of us in.

What kind of music is Pink Martini?

Pink Martini is a Portland institution, and they are especially popular in Europe. They've been classified as "New Lounge", but they play a lot of standards. I've never seen them live but I'm told they do a great show. Reviews can be seen on Amazon, and their website is http://www.pinkmartini.com

I'll make a post about specific plans for the evening so we can all meet up. I thought about perhaps a mai-tai at Bush Garden before the show, not because BG is particularly tiki, but because they make the best mai tai in Portland (after mine) and that's a good way to start an evening. At any rate, I'll let folks know where we'll be when and how to recognize us. If you ahve any early evening suggestions let me know. Maybe dinner at Jasmine Tree. I'm open to suggestions...

Okay, here's the plan for Friday in Portland: We're gonna show up at the convention center just a little before the Pink Martini show, 'cause there's lots going on there. Best place to look for us is probably at the show. Look for much aloha wear on a stout, bearded guy (me), a tall stately blonde (Maggie), and a pretty, snazilly-dressed pixie-ish former Portlander (Frenchy). I for one will also be wearing a Shecky sticker somewhere on my person (the women might not want to ruin their ensembles). We'll likely stay at the show until it's over, then head to Alibi, right around 10:00. So look for us at the show between 8:30 and 10 and at Alibi after 10:30. If you can't find us just give me a buzz on my cell phone - (503) 970-2510.

Looking forward to meeting as many Portland and other local Centralites as possible!

Okay! Alibi, tomorrow about 10:30. Are you going to head straight back to the Karaoke room? My god, I hope I don't get to the point where I think I can sing! My basement bar could play host to spontaneous
night caps or warm-ups. Limited stock but
friendly service.

We'll go wherever we find tables. First choice is up front where we can talk. Second choice is back in Karaoke hell. And we just might take you up on your invitation - I'm dying to see your bar!

Good. Sounds like a pretty good turnout. I wish we could pry Woofmutt out of Seattle. If it were not for this birthday dinner,(first social contact with our daughter's potential inlaws) a warmup before Pink Martini would have been about right.


Hey there Oregonians -- the timing's all wrong for me this weekend, but I'd ordinarily be up for a trip down there (still haven't been to the Alibi yet). I'll be swinging through town the first weekend in May on my meandering way to the Oasis, if anyone is available/interested in meeting up with me at the Alibi.

Let's see. First weekend in May? Why yes, it's Cinco de Polka (or in this case tres de Polka.) That should be an big night and could include something like a tiki crawl. I'd like to open my bar for TC visiters. It would probably be early as I want to get to Polka de Mayo by 7:00 and then
over to Dublin Pub by 9:00 or 10:00. After that who knows?
Also we are heading to Oasis in a family mode. We need to wait until Thursday afternoon before sprinting south. The itinerary is a work in progress.

That was too short and too late, but it was good to meet a few of you last night. Looking ahead to Polka-Tiki crwaling May 3.

Kim posted on Sun, Apr 20, 2003 6:27 PM

It was fun, I agree. And the Alibi is much more enjoyable with an appreciative group! Tikitronic thinks we got better (i.e. stronger) drinks since TikiMaxton is aquainted with the bartender! :)

I had a great time meeting everybody, and I'm looking forward to our mini-crawl and Polka de Mayo. Hope we can get some Seattlites to join us for that.

I was talking to Maggie and Frenchy after Alibi and we all commented on the fact that in all the blind meetings we've had so far (including each other!), we've never met a TikiCentralite we didn't like. A great bunch o' folks!

On 2003-04-20 18:27, Kim wrote:
It was fun, I agree. And the Alibi is much more enjoyable with an appreciative group! Tikitronic thinks we got better (i.e. stronger) drinks since TikiMaxton is aquainted with the bartender! :)

It was very nice to meet some new people, and of course, nicer still to meet people who understand:)

It was also a pleasant surprise to discover the extra overlap of connections and interests with the fellow haunters in the group. (only 5 months to go!)

Brief as the night was, we look forward to seeing you all (and more) next time...

Aloha all! Thanks to everybody for coming out - it was delightful as always to see the Maxtons and to meet all of the TCers I never got a chance to meet before my fall... I mean MOVE... MOVE... :wink: And also to visit the Alibi... It's sort of a shame I was never aware of the place until a little over a year ago. Anyway. Big thanks to Mark and Maggie for putting me up, rustling up the crowd, and being the all-round cool folks they are! I'm getting the next batch of mai tais at the Tonga! :)

Frenchy, it's always a pleasure, and you're always welcome. And we'll definitely take you up on your offer of hospitality next time we're in the bay area.

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