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Tiki Central / California Events

Cynner's Foggy Bottom party

Pages: 1 11 replies

hey Martin,

How's your hand? 8)



Well, I'd like to take this opportunity to publicly chastise the many Northern California members of this list who were noticeably absent at this fine shindig. Those of us in attendance enjoyed a fine party and gracious hospitality courtesy of Cindy. There was fab punch, great drinks, and a knockout cheese dip that had me begging for more all night and begging for mercy the next day.

I also learned a valuable lesson: Don't play with cats drunk. Norm, aka "Psycho Kitty", reminded me that while he may be declawed, he's still a mean son of a bitch. The teeth dug so deep into my palm that the blood pooling in my hand created an creepy stigmata effect. But thanks to the calming effects of rum, I felt almost no pain. Is there nothing rum can't do?

It looks pretty good now, but it's badly infected and it still hurts like hell to drive a stick shift. Should be better in a day or two, by which time I will have finalized my plans for Norm's "accidental" demise.

Anyway- great party.



We were planning to stop by, but I didn't hear back from Cynful (I emailed to the address she posted for directions), so I figured it was off.

I'm sorry

I wanted to go, but, was meeting someone new, and didn't want to bring out the tikimonkey on a first date.

I am the world's Magical Mai-Tai Powered TikiMonkey.


What the HELL?! There was a party and I missed it? I love parties! I wanted to see the phones!

People, some of us cannot keep up with you guys and your constant chatter (I love ya all, but how much more can be said about Jimmy Buffet and tiki mugs?) and we might miss important announcements of PARTIES near us amongst the 15,000 other posts called "New Tiki Bar Proposed in Outer Mongolia\\\\'s West End."

Some people could have emailed or called us. Hmpf.

On 2003-04-14 14:52, martiki6 wrote:
I also learned a valuable lesson: Don't play with cats drunk. Norm, aka "Psycho Kitty", reminded me that while he may be declawed, he's still a mean son of a bitch.

I'm such a bad mother! I'm so ashamed!

Norm will be drugged for my next party -- the vet has prescribed kitty downers to make him behave like a normal cat.


On 2003-04-14 17:02, Tiki-bot wrote:
We were planning to stop by, but I didn't hear back from Cynful (I emailed to the address she posted for directions), so I figured it was off.

That's strange -- I don't recall hearing from you.

I'm going to host another gathering in June; if you send me your e-mail address I'll put you on the list.


On 2003-04-14 17:35, TikiMama wrote:
Some people could have emailed or called us. Hmpf.

Send me your e-mail address and I'll make sure you're on the list for next time. I want to host another gathering sometime in June.



On 2003-04-14 14:52, martiki6 wrote:
Well, I'd like to take this opportunity to publicly chastise the many Northern California members of this list who were noticeably absent at this fine shindig.

Just so you're warned, Martin, I'm going to kick your ass for this lecture next time I see you. Wanted you to be prepared for the ass-whoopin.


On 2003-04-14 14:52, martiki6 wrote:
Well, I'd like to take this opportunity to publicly chastise the many
Northern California members of this list who were noticeably absent at
this fine shindig.[/quote
-----Tikivixen, Tiki Hag , and I were in LA partying at the Tiki Ti(sniff)

aquarj posted on Sat, May 3, 2003 9:17 PM

Here are some much belated pics of our fun soiree at cynfulcynner's foggy establishment. Thanks Cindy!

Sparklers on the beach!


What the hell was I doing in that first photo? :lol:


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