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Chin Tiki Christmas Art Show & Holiday Sale-Dec. 12

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We have the date for the annual Chin Tiki (Chin's of Livonia) Christmas event. It will be Saturday, December 12th. 1pm to 12am. Many of the same vendors and artists will be participating. Space is very limited but if anyone is interested please email me directly. [email protected]
Drinks, food, vendors, Christmas gift shopping and fun! Working on the poster now and will add it to tiki central as soon as it is ready! Hope to see you all there!!


I was waiting on this news. It was an awesome time last year that sparked more of an interest in Exotica music with the purchase of Les Baxter's Bongo record. I'll be the guy that is closest to the ceiling. ~teaK

Laying Low

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2009-11-18 13:02 ]

Awsome I love this event..



...manohman, it's going to be a total and complete utter shindig the likes of the Great Lakes has never seen before! See you there!!!


Last year was a great show,sounds like this year will be even better.:o :lol:

Chin Tiki Update: The DJ's will be spinning vinyl this year and expanding beyond exotica and surf into some 60's garage, soul and wild music. We need
to liven things up! As always we will have our Tiki raffle with great gifts and some original Chin Tiki items. Tickets $1 or 6 for $5. Artists include: Heather Watts,
Kyle Raetz, Slaw and more. Tike carver Chad will be on hand with great small and large carvings. Cat's Meow, SpeedCult, Retro A-Go-Go and other vendors will be there. Also vintage
vendors selling collectibles, vintage tiki and records. One of a kind jewelry, t-shirts and other great Christmas gifts! Plan on spending the day,
great food, drinks and socializing!! See you there!


See you all on the 12th!


1PM - 12AM

That's almost a full 12 hours of Detroit tiki. Ok 11 hours and not Detroit at all. I know that I like to go a little later in the night but you run the risk of something good already being sold. I'll probably be there after dinner time but will the DJ be there the entire time?


Yes, DJ's all day!


Two more days and Tiki in Detroit.:D

Fun evening last night at Chins again this year. Thanks to everyone who participated and attended. We are working on doing a summer car show and tiki event for 2010. Will update later.


I had another great time over at the Chin last night.

So if you number the above pictures 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, picture number 3 is Jim and probably the coolest guy there. He says that he never uses the internet but knows his favorite mug makers Gecko and Holden. He is a total mug guy and likes his music. He brought with him a bunch of Gecko mugs including a one of a kind bowl. I bought the BK/Gecko Broiler off him for an great low price cause these things are sold out elsewhere. And he sells his records for a buck still in shrink, mint. (maybe thats an insiders deal) He picked out a few favorites of his for me to try.

Picture 4: Speedcult had some of their best designs there. As you can see in the above picture they have Shrunken heads made of metal. There were I think three variations and I totally wanted them all but came with only drinking money in my pocket this time.

picture 5: I talked to his guy most of the time last year but didn't get a word in this time. Real nice guy who had a booth this year with chalk sketches. I forgot his name (I'm horrible with names) and was just referring to him as the 50's salesman.

picture 6: that is Shaw, the guy that in the back of all those Juxtapoz magazines. He was selling hand painted ornaments for such a LOW price.

Every year I go there are really talented artist that never hear of Tiki Central. This year those artist were from Lansing. I would have ran to the ATM if they had more to sell. They were understocked and SOLD out. I don't even think they have a website.

when I was walking out the door I took this. The dining side. A great atmosphere.


Here's a few pic's I took at the Chin Show.Fun show and cool people.





One more Mudbone


Thank you teaKey, you the man.:)

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