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"The Byrd" from Grog Log

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Well, I finally tried out "The Byrd", probably the least popular recipe in The Grog Log. Just to refresh your memory, the recipe goes, "Fry six rashers of fat bacon, add one pint rum; eat the bacon and drink the syrup".

I opted to reduce the recipe to a third of the original, using two slices of smoked British back bacon. I added the dark rum as the bacon was cooling a little, so that all the alcohol wouldn't woosh straight out of the frying pan. It was still pretty hot, though.
The 'syrup' really didn't taste too great, unsurprisingly, giving a very salty, slightly smoked taste to the hot rum. Not undrinkable, as you hardly notice the fat content. The bacon tasted absolutely delicious - the rum gave it an incredible flavour.

I'll stick to drinking my rum with the usual fruit juices & syrups, but would be tempted to add a few drops to my bacon...

Trader Woody

You are a brave man, Trader Woody!

Many of Don the Beachcombers tastiest drinks used "Honey cream mix" as a secret ingrediant.

He would wisk together one part warm honey and one part melted butter and store in a freezer until needed.

If butter tasted good in a tiki drink, why not bacon fat?

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