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Swank Blog

Pages: 1 4 replies

Swanky posted on Tue, May 6, 2003 5:05 PM

I have ventured into the world of blog, sort of. I am starting my irregular postings of thoughts on news, media and life here. I feel my viewpoint is not represented in the media. Err, well, that's my excuse. I strive for humor, but there may be some non-humorous stuff as time moves on.

That's cool Swanky. I've thought about doing a blog myself. I keep a personal blog in the source code of my games, in the comments. I guess if it's not on the web then it's not a blog, it's just a log.

Anyone else with a blog here? or anyone who wants one? I'm interested in people's thoughts on this.


Swanky posted on Wed, May 7, 2003 6:45 AM

I have been reading Lilek's "blog" daily for years now. But in the last months, we have been getting a lot of hits from livejournal.com sites. That is when I decided to start it. If people spend their time reading that stuff, and it's as popular as it is, I ought to write my own.

Rain posted on Wed, May 7, 2003 7:06 AM

my girlfriend keeps a blog, which also contains links to MANY other blogs.

BEWARE, though - hers is HIGHLY politically charged, so don't bother reading if you don't care for that kind of commentary.


I have a blog of sorts that is solely write ups of my road rage incidents (and related poetry):


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