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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

Bong is in a freakin' great mood!

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Hey, now's your chance! Bong is in such a fu@&ing great mood over the anticipation of this weekend's gig at Tiki Oasis, that he's not gonna respond in his normal a-hole style until at least Monday (when he'll have a massive hangover).

So, go ahead and say something that contradicts something you've previously said; go ahead and use the word 'surf' or any of its variations to mean anything other than actual surfing; go ahead and bable liberal BS; go ahead and tell Bong what a anti-social freak he is; go ahead and talk about how you hate what the US military did in Iraq; go ahead and say that the So Cal TC Hoity Toity's are jealous of all other TC cliques - now's your chance!

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2003-05-08 13:23 ]

Could you pass some of that my way please?

so, how does the missus feel about your great mood?


He does not talk to his wife, so how would she even know he is in a good mood.
Go ahead and ask him at the Oasis
"where's your wife"
Oh she is over with Pop's wife crying because they have no men at home.
But MAN ooo MAN can those girls make a home movie!!!

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