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Tiki sighting - Watching Ellie

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In this week's episode of "Watching Ellie," Ellie was singing Jazz at the top of the episode in a tiki bar/ restaurant. Large masks on the walls, bamboo and palm fringe, and lots of glass fishnet floats sighted. They returned to that set later in the show and tiki poles were visible, and the masks were shown in greater detail. Large new guinea style masks and perhaps some african masks. I wonder where they got the stuff to decorate the set?

  • b/c some of it was really high quality, expensive looking stuff (trader vics size).

I saw it this week, for the first time. Worst show ever! The only reason I watched was because of this post:


It appears that the "Jazz Tiki Bar" is in it every week. But not enough tiki eye-candy to put up with such an awful show.

You better watch it now, cause I seriously doubt this one is getting picked up (it's already been re-tooled once).


heh. I searched for "watching ellie" before I posted... shoulda searched for "Dreyfus."

She was in a show perhaps last year where there as a timer in the bottom of the screen, the gimmick being the show was in real-time. My wife says this is the same thing, they just got rid of the gimmick. Anyway this is the first episode I've seen and I found it entertaining. But I think I was drunk Tuesday night. If that was her singing, broadway should be calling.

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