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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Boom Boom Room/ Atlanta

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Just read in the May2003 issue of the Hudspeth Report of a new tiki bar in the Atlanta area. It's called the Boom Boom Room, and it is located in the old Martini club. The address is 1140 cresent avenue. Hours are Mon-Sat 5pm to 2am. As soon as I get a chance to go there, I'll give you my .02 worth.

tikiluv girl has a review: https://tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=3264&forum=1

I'm going just to see the "fireplace with a huge tiki head around it and the open mouth exposing the flames"


Well, I didn't expect much before I went, but for a new school bar, it actually isn't that bad. However, a warning, the drinks are not good and way overpriced. I did have a drink called Go-Go-Nuts that had 7 oz. of rum in it and that was alright, but for $12, it better be alright. The bar is ok, and I guess I should be thankful for another "tiki" bar in the city, but I think I'll probably stick to Trader Vic's. If you go, let me know what you think.

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