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eBay: uncle trav's miniature paper hut eBay auction

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Sorry to start singing the same tune but it seems to be popular these days. Need some scratch to pay the bills. I just put the first miniature hut up for bid. I thought someone would be able to enjoy it in their home. Entirely handmade and detailed by me and completed after many hours of work. Please take a look at the auction for all of the details. Thanks for taking a look.
Auction link here. http://cgi.ebay.com/MINIATURE-HANDMADE-TIKI-HUT-VINTAGE-LOOK-AND-STYLE-/190484409025?

Also seen in this thread. http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=33960&forum=18

Wonderful work, trav! I had missed your earlier thread with the mini-Kahiki and Tiki Ti, very cool.

Your hut immediately reminded me of the little native hut models in the dining room at the Royal Tahitien Hotel near Papeete in Tahiti:


You managed to nail the tropical materials look perfectly without having it as easily available as in Tahiti!

Thanks for the kind words Sven. One of those projects borne on the wings of unemployment. Hopefully I can build some more soon.

Here's a handy guide for future styles :wink: :

Of course I concur with Boris that all kinds of American Tiki temples would be a fascinating subject too.
The aforementioned Waikikian hyperbolic paraboloid for sure, and how about the crazy Kon Tiki Hotel lobby building in Phoenix?

Ethnographic museums often have South Sea house models that they commissioned from native builders, some in a large scale, like this man-sized meeting house from Palau in the Hamburg Museum:

This model shows the construction of a Sepik River tribal meeting house, with the scaffolding still attached:

Sorry, once you get me started on A-frame architecture.... :)


Well, while we're at it, allow me to inject this Maori storehouse miniature I (poorly) photographed at the Museum of Natural History in NY. This is for the advanced modeler. :wink:

So Trav, your a Pepper?

Nice work, good luck with the sale.


On 2010-12-29 16:18, GatorRob wrote:
Well, while we're at it, allow me to inject this Maori storehouse miniature I (poorly) photographed at the Museum of Natural History in NY.

Not to derail the thread, but I was just at that museum, and also photographed that same storage house....when I saw the opportunity for a little self-portrait:

It's not the Big Joe totem (the Witco one), it's the Big Bro totem! :D

Great picture Sven!! :)

Now somebody please build a replica of the Kahiki!!! I'll even take a virtual 3D tour!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

[ Edited by: Jeff Central 2010-12-30 06:39 ]

Thanks for all of the input guys. A bunch of good stuff to work with. Jeff, here was my quick attempt at the Kahiki from awhile back. I'm afraid it's even a bit small for a virtual tour. Built just for kicks to pass the time.

Cool, thanks Trav. Nice work!!

Cheers and Mahalo,


Just about sixteen hours left in the auction. It ends tomorrow 1/2/11. I have three bids already. Thanks to all of you for your input and thanks to those of you who have checked out my auction.


SOLD. Thanks everyone. I hope to make some more soon.

Pages: 1 11 replies