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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Great nude and tropical free wallpaper

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Thought some of you may be interested in this to liven up your desktop. Or you may just need to snoop. Scantily clad and naked women. The men will be especially pleased, but there is something for all!


I forgot to mention, these photos are from the Island of Tahiti.


Great site!

The women of Tahiti....hubba hubba!!

You charter a private plane.
You land, and as you exit, Hawaiian music plays, and the fresh tropical air fills your lungs.
You see a man in a white suit that greets you.
It's Mr. Rourke with Tattoo standing by his side!
He says those magical words:
"Smiles everyone....smiles! Welcome to Fantasy Island!"

(photo: Teva Sylvain)

"Oh thank you Mr. Rourke!"

I remember travelling to Tahiti with my dad on a project about 10 years ago. I'd catch him sitting on the beach (he hated the beach, Great White Okie that he was) fully dressed, with a newspaper with a hole in in so he could check out the ladies on the topless beach without being noticed. So I come by it honestly at least...

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