Tiki Central / Tiki Central Ohana
Swanky's storm story
Pages: 1 8 replies
Fri, Apr 29, 2011 12:20 PM
I did not want to sidetrack the Mystery Girl bowl thread, so, reposting here. Monday night we had severe storms in Knoxville. A gigantic oak fell on our garage and house. I watched it fall and it came within inches of crushing the patio with me in it, and/or me, and inches from the Hideaway. It was amazing it did not destroy more structure. Close enough to rip the gutters and soffets off, and nothing more. Holes in the roof and some damage. The Tapa Room in the Hideaway will have to be gutted and rebuilt. All hanging lamps and fish floats, etc, fell. I had 2 bottles of booze on the bar and they bounced off from the impact. But the only real loss in the bar was the tapa on the walls. We got lucky. Many others, on my street even, did not. I hope we will have electricity when I get home... A shower, laundry, cold beer, ice...
[ Edited by: Swanky 2011-04-29 12:22 ] |
Fri, Apr 29, 2011 12:48 PM
What a bummer, yet it's fortunate that you and your home are still largely intact. Ouch on the condition of the Tapa Room! I really understand what living without electricity means. Florida without air conditioning is primative and basically uninhabitable. The 2004 Florida hurricanes underscored that, leaving me without power at home for 5 days on the first, 3 days on the second and none for the subsequent storm... by the third hurricane, I had acquired a portable generator with enough kilowatts of output to keep refrigerators, freezers, fans, lights, etc. going, so it was livable if not exactly comfortable... and the portable gas grill got quite a workout. Here's hoping you do in fact come home to modern conveniences... -Tom |
Fri, Apr 29, 2011 12:59 PM
It has been temperate here this week. Last night's lows were in the 50s, so, with the windows open, we could sleep. We got a generator, but it can't be used in the rain! May use it some just to fire up the internet and computer this weekend. Our neighbors got their power last night, so we can drop a line in between too. Our neighborhood looked like a war zone for a while. I drove home from Hukilau 04 through Jeanne disaster. I saw that mess too. It all sucks. Yes, insurance will replace things, but not our time and enjoyment of life in the mean time... |
8FT Tiki
Thu, May 12, 2011 4:45 PM
Hey Tim, glad you guys are safe. You know that saying: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade? Well with all of that wood that dropped on ya, why don't ya throw together another coontiki and get everyone who comes to clean up the mess and carve tikis from that old tree. Good Luck with the aftermath. 8FT |
Tue, Sep 27, 2011 3:25 PM
I hope all is well with you guys now! I was very lucky and only had some hail damage from that storm. It took quite a while, but I did get a new roof last month. Cheers! |
Tue, Sep 27, 2011 5:57 PM
"When life hands you lemons, freeze them into rocks and throw them at the first SOB that gets in your way!" :lol: Sorry to hear about your mishap Swanky, hope you are able to collect from your insurance without too much hassle. Did you rebuild after a flood a couple of years ago or was that someone else? |
Wed, Sep 28, 2011 9:49 AM
From April 25th to about 2 weeks ago, it was "finished". All that is left is shutters and a little touch up. But we have moved into the garage and the bar, etc. is all done. It does not seem like much really, but it has taken a toll on us. We lost our summer really. Not a single BBQ, no lying in the sun, no beer with the neighbors. Nothing. Just stress and annoyance and the lack of relaxation. 2 houses down, they just started demolishing the house to rebuild it... I can't imagine what it would be like to go through not having a house for a year... Insurance has covered it and been very good. Farm Bureau. We ended up with upgrades and things are better than they were. Next summer, we'll get to enjoy this stuff, but live in fear every time there is a storm... The big tree in the neighbors yard will cost $4000 to remove. He is not going to do it. |
Sat, Oct 1, 2011 10:14 PM
Whoa what a horrible mishap. I'm so glad you got through it without injury. It was great to meet you and your wife at Frank's. We loved your Mai Kai lecture. I sent the lucky fellow photos of his Mystery Bowl event. Here's to a better year, Wendy |
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 9:21 PM
Seriously that was a horrible accident. But great that nobody was injured. The storm had damaged our roof completely and we soon replaced it. |
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