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Tiki Central / California Events

Cook, Melville, and Gauguin: Voyages to Paradise

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Just got this thru Otto's Tiki News, it sounds like a great exhibit:

Cook, Melville, and Gauguin: Voyages to Paradise

At the Maritime Museum of San Diego
May 27, 2011 - January 1, 2012

"Paintings, Sculptures and Artifacts in an exclusive, once in a Lifetime World Class Exhibit, including original works drawn from one of the most comprehensive Paul Gauguin collections in the United States."

"This exhibit will comprise the largest display of three-dimensional Gauguin masterpieces currently seen anywhere in the world, including a newly discovered Gauguin wood carving on display for the first time in America."

If they are talking about that Marquesan Tiki they show on their web site, that would be a first! Gauguin has never done any straight Tiki carvings otherwise, to my knowledge:


[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2011-05-06 10:49 ]

Otto posted on Fri, May 6, 2011 2:17 PM

Sven, thanks for elaborating on this
It really should be a mandatory visit for any student of Polynesian Pop
It is the origins of the Tiki Style movement

Everyone attending Tiki Oasis should schedule in time to visit this show


Indeed that would be an uncharacteristic work for Gauguin. I was wondering if they were referring to this particular sculpture, which sold recently for 11.2 million USD...



I am in town and am going to try to go this afternoon, any SD tikifolk care to meet me there? PM me


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