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I need suggestion, for a tiki party in OZ

Pages: 1 3 replies


Hi there I live In australia and i thought i would come to professionals, because i need some suggestion for a tiki party im having soon, feel free to reel off whatever is in your head providing it is about tiki in someway, email me at: [email protected]

thankyou very much adios
from al


Rum....lots of rum....copious amounts of rum...enough rum to sink the Australian Navy...


JTD posted on Fri, Jun 6, 2003 11:12 AM

On 2003-06-06 07:13, mattfink wrote:
Rum....lots of rum....copious amounts of rum...enough rum to sink the Australian Navy...


Don't you mean enough rum to FLOAT the Australian Navy? :)




Let's hope they're already floating! Hey, it's the Navy, they've probably got 55gal drums of rum all over the ships right? LOL!!!!

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