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Today is Kamehameha Day!!

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Hey everyone,
I just thought I'd let everyone know that today, June 11, is King Kamehameha Day.
Not that we really need an excuse to sit back and relax with Mai Tai's and the like but if you do need an excuse this is a pretty good one.

Born: Between 1740 and 1758
Died: May 8, 1819

King Kamehameha I, also known as Kamehameha the Great, was the head of a dynasty that ruled the Hawaiian islands for more than a century. Legend has it that he was born at the time of the appearance of Halley's comet and that this was a sign that he would rise to greatness. The name Kamehameha (pronounced kuh-may-ha-may-ha) means "the one set apart."

King Kamehameha I was a smart ruler who amassed a fortune and made Hawaii a desirable prize for foreign explorers. He was the one who united all the Hawaiian islands and founded the royal dynasty that ruled them for years. He established a government monopoly in the sandalwood trade, and he collected duties from visiting ships. Kamehameha was a strong and able king, but his successors were not as strong as him and ultimately were not able to resist European efforts to control the islands.

[ Edited by: Tiki Royale on 2003-06-11 13:40 ]


Man, I wish I was in Hawaii right now. Driving the Road to Hana or swimming in the Queen's Bath! (Is that still in existence?) Ahhh...the relaxation of Hawaii. Thanks for bringing back the memories with this link. :wink:

Excellent tiki historical anecdote!

King Kamehameha was on the beach and suffered a gunshot wound when Cpt. Cook was kiled.

King Kamehameha learned the vaule of naval artillery, mounting swivel guns on the canoes of his troops, which was instrumental in his success.

When Kamehameha the Great died, his bones were secretly buried on the Kona coast so no one would be able to use their strong mana.

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