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I Belli Di Waikiki

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I do not think this is correct. Maybe it's partly correct, but as I understand, they are flying into Texas on the 18th and they actually have a gig on Friday the 20th, which makes these things impossible.

I have emailed them to get confirmation, but I don't think it's correct.


Swanky is correct ... I Belle de Waikiki is touring through Texas, and will not be stopping at the Honolulu restaurant in DC.

I misinterpreted a previous e-mail message - and wrongly associated a Hukilau roadtrip website with the travels of the band. Any confusion or false rising of excitement belongs solely to me. My apologies goes to all.

Meeting I Belle de Waikiki at the Honolulu will have to wait for some future visit to the U.S., but there is a nice consolation in that we will perhaps still get to meet some new Philadelphia-based tiki friends at the Honolulu. Besides, any excuse to visit the Honolulu is a good one in my book.

Thanks to all who caught the errors of my thinking. I can assure you that there will likely be more to follow, especially after I consume a few more mai-tais.



It's not all Vern's fault. I reread that news email and it could have been much clearer. I can certainly see how it was misread and I hope not too many put those two items together. I should have wored it a lot better.

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