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What the hell!?

The Huge Magazine Tiki Collection, Desktop Patterns, Pics and Links: http://www.hugemagazine.com/html/tiki.html

[ Edited by: kingslod on 2003-06-14 13:49 ]

Yup, nonviolent. Gotta keep the world safe from those Barbie and Ken action figures.

Hey, what's the difference between an action figure and a doll, anyway?


My theory of thinking has always been that boys play with "action figures" and girls play with dolls.
Action figures, i.e. Star Wars characters and GI Joe, are "action orientated". These kind have guns and swords, etc. While dolls are more girly, i.e. Barbie and Madame Alexander, which come with brushes and combs, make-up, and darling little accessories! haa

During my childhood days, NO boy would be caught dead with a dreaded DOLL but an action figure was alright! :wink:

[ Edited by: tikichic on 2003-06-14 15:28 ]


Its the Tribbles (Star Trek) if I remember with sun glasses.

Yes, but a boy becomes a man when he quits playing with 'action figures' and starts playing with 'dolls'...

You gotta love a dreamer...but when I was a boy if it didn't shoot something, roll, or build then I just wasn't interested. I always resented my sister's toys for their "cuteness". Her Donny and Marie dolls and Strawberry Shortcake villages were under constant military siege by armies of plastic soldiers, paper airplanes with bottle-rocket jets, etc. Now, a Lincoln Log or Lego fortress was indestructible...You had to use a shape-charge round.... :)


OK cheeky half, you saw this on Dr Phill, right?

My GF Tivo'd DR Phill, and i couldn't believe it when it came on.

This guy has been working on these characters for 11 years, and has invested over a million dollars (750K of his own 250K borrrowed). You think he could at least have a decent web site with some of that money.

He's also created a pilot that has never aired anywhere. Let's just say that after seeing these things in "action" let's hope this dies quickly before even more people get the wrong idea about "Tiki".


Yeah and if you didn't see it on the website...

What is a TIKI?

Non-violent? What about all those served up as "long-pig" in the name of Tiki. AHHHHH, long-pig....


On 2003-06-15 21:38, SullTiki wrote:
Yeah and if you didn't see it on the website...

What is a TIKI?

Oh man...conclusion: sucks. Really, really sucks. He even wears a suit on his sucky, awful website! This is wrong on so many levels...


And what's the deal with him opening his mouth in every picture?


On 2003-06-16 11:19, PolynesianPop wrote:
And what's the deal with him opening his mouth in every picture?

If there was a word balloon, it would say, "Please buy my awful dolls, don't let my investors sue my ass off!"


Mowah the Great's bio says:

"He has even been seen getting larger and larger in size when he is really excited, he really has no control over this phenomenon. Mowah the Great loves kids and animals greatly!"

No further comment.

makes me violent looking at him and the dolls. makes me want to pull out my AR-15 and squeeze off a couple of those 223's in the middle of that tie he is wearing (Notice it is a dart board) I wanna rip off his head and reach in and see what the bastard had for breakfast... ahhhh.... sorry people.


It's the Vomitous Broccoli gang!

"...makes me want to pull out my AR-15 and squeeze off a couple of those 223's in the middle of that tie he is wearing..."

Don't hold it in Bro, it's not good for ya. Let it all out!

The next national news program special report: 'Tiki Militia'...

Okay, now, this is the type of thing that gives me cold chills and makes me feel queasy. I'm going to go watch "Manos: Hands of Fate" and try to forget seeing this.


Nonviolent tiki figures? For once, I am so glad that a song with the title 'Hawaiian War Chant' is in the exotica category, to counter the images of that site.

Where are those pictures of those headhunter carvings, with the warriors holding the severed heads on high? Or the Ren Clark severed head tiki mugs? I don't consider myself a violent person, but I'd go to war if the only outcome were to guarantee that the world would never see the words 'beanie' and 'tiki' in the same sentence.


"Each sunglass is a different color and shoots magical lasers that represent a different power. For example, orange (the power of fire) can be used to blow up the bad guy's hide-out, but only if there is no one inside. "

Forget about someone not being inside, that still is a violent and destructive action if you ask me. Why not have the NEONtiki's move the hide out to another location. then when the bad guys show up they can pop out of the bushes and present them with a picture of their "creator" with his unhindged jaw.


I do like the idea that they shoot the finger though.

Sweet Saint Torgo, take me to your master.


[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2003-11-09 00:05 ]

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