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Wind Tiki, Webster, MA (restaurant)

Pages: 1 13 replies

Dustycajun posted on 03/29/2012

Name:Wind Tiki
Street:154 Thompson Rd


New Tiki location for the day.

I picked up a matchbook from Wind Tiki advertising two locations in Webster.

I did a little research, it looks like the location on Thompson Road is still open. I found these photos.

Wind Tiki sign and a little A-Frame and Buddha out front.

The inside

Not a lot of Tiki per say, but maybe worth a look?

Here is a yelp review:

The drinks are the same fruity lighter fluid you'd get at any other place. For those unfamiliar with Webster, MA ... its off 395. All you need to know about Webster is that there is a chinese food place, a strip bar and a pawn shop within a few feet of each other. Try the Wind Tiki and you won't be sorry. The food is good and if you didn't have a chance to live through the 70s ... one could almost hope to see an episode of Starsky and Hutch playing in the bar. Cool vibe!

Anybody ever been??


Big Kahuna posted on 03/29/2012

It's not bad. The food is decent & the drinks are pretty good. The Worcester location was a lot better. It had a huge rock waterfall in the middle of the dining room & a great atmosphere. This was long before I was into Tiki & I don't remember if it had any cool Tikis, but I really loved the place. My wife & I went there at least once a month. As for the strip club in Webster, I never noticed! :D

Big Kahuna posted on 03/11/2014

Another one bites the dust. Wind Tiki will be closing for good on March 29. Ther has been nothing resembling a Tiki there for years, but it still sucks when a place that's been around that long closes.

scottxwl posted on 03/11/2014

That's a shame. I'll have to arrange a visit before they close to pay my respects.

Big Kahuna posted on 03/11/2014

There's absolutely nothing Tiki left. It got "renovated" many years ago & they removed all the cool elements. Still, it was an old school Chinese restaurant & it's always sad to lose one. The owner is in his 70s & just wants to retire. I don't blame him. He tried to find a buyer, but, so far, no luck.

Professor Pineapple posted on 03/12/2014

No kidding, Rick. That's too bad. Wind Tiki was something of an area institution. There was no tiki per se, but you just knew it must have had some way back when. It still had the spirit if not the decor.

Lukeulele posted on 07/07/2014

Apparently it has reopened under new ownership with slight changes.

Some earlier photos below:

Lukeulele posted on 07/07/2014
Lukeulele posted on 07/07/2014

Otto posted on 04/22/2018

Yelp photos
2014 sign detail showing cool Cocktails lettering
also interesting addition to the sides of the otherwise generic lightbox sign. The jagged additions suggestion wind? Or a driftwood sign?

2017 detail of interior with snarky caption:
"Dirty old walls"
with "reviews" like this maybe Wind Tiki is not long for this world?
Locals, take note and visit often

The state’s database of corporations lists Li Feng Nie of Boston as Wind Tiki Inc.’s president.


[ Edited by: Otto 2018-04-22 12:42 ]

[ Edited by: Otto 2018-12-23 13:16 ]

Iolani posted on 04/26/2022

A bummer to make this my first post after TC's relaunch. But I figured I'd update this old thread to relay that the Wind Tiki was burned by an arsonist early in 2022. I don't know if they will rebuild at this time. No, it was no tiki palace, but it was a time capsule in its own right. And the tropical cocktails were perfectly passable and I really enjoyed a few of their entrees despite some of the reviews. Best char siu I've had along the entire east coast.

tikigreg posted on 04/26/2022

Ghack! We’re losing tiki joints in New England to the point that soon none will be left. There was a place here in CT called the South Pacific that went through numerous owners and interior changes, but the bar retained the original south seas murals. The place closed a couple years ago, but now has been bought and being remodeled. Now even the bar mural is gone. 😢

mike and marie posted on 05/01/2022

Iolani, thank you for joining TC and posting. Wind Tiki was truly a gem, and as tikigreg says there's too many great New England tiki joints (and just plain cool vintage spots) that are gone. Still miss the Bali Hai.

The only good news about this incident is the cool COCKTAILS sign is still extant


and also they caught the perp


There is a fundraiser for the employees:


Iolani posted on 05/04/2022

The entire building's been demolished, but the sign still stands. I wonder what its fate will be.


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