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Orange County Tiki Crawl???

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San Diego has held their crawl, and is about to split it into a north crawl and a south crawl. I did a search and saw that the last OC crawl was sometime between 2002-2005. You guys should have one. And soon! I know that we would definitely be up there for it, if you did. And if we lived closer, we'd even plan it out. But...we aren't. So, instead we can only enjoy it from afar. Please someone plan/host an OC crawl, so we have a reason to head up your direction and enjoy seeing all of your beautiful tiki rooms/bars/yards/etc.

Here's a Perfect Reason to head up to The Orange County Area :)


[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2012-07-06 14:39 ]


Yeah, there is always Don's, but I mean an actual crawl. At people's homes.

I don't think we have many really tricked out Tiki Bar/homes in this area,anymore?

Everybody I know is getting out of tiki.
All the cool kids are over it, and selling all their tiki decor.


What about Bong's Garage?

Everyone head over to Bong's Gagrage!

Miss Hell poses an interesting idea
But where i.e. who's places would be on a possible list?

I know of some great Tiki Shacks and Tiki Rooms in Orange County and had the pleasure of hanging out at some on Visits. But these people may not want there homes opened to the general public.

Some times a crawl takes on a negative feel when it's not just collectors and fan's. There is that % of Crawlers that I wouldn't want in my home.

So we may not want to offer up some one else's home for the crawl.

Well then I guess it is just Bong's Gagrage

When should we have "Bong's Tiki Gagrage Crawl"?

I will be there for Tiki market place on the 15th for more stuff for my Tiki room. I would have you guys hit up my Tiki room but I'm not in the O.C. I will br getting more stuff from you ATP. :D


I was just wearing my Chongolio-designed "OC Tiki Crawl III, March 29, 2003" shirt the other day, and of the 4 locations we went to, 2 are gone (Royal Hawaiian, Bamboo Ben's) and 1 we got unceremoniously kicked out of and certainly wouldn't want us back (Billy's at the Beach). That leaves Sam's Seafood (now Don's) as the sole survivor. Turc's is a fun place, but can hardly accommodate a crawl-sized group. There's the Puka Bar in LB, but that's a hike from the OC, so without making it a huge driving excursion (or making a home-bar crawl), I don't know what else there is in OC! Other than Bong's garage, that is...

The Puka Bar is gone. :(


On 2012-07-06 22:38, bigtikidude wrote:
Everybody I know is getting out of tiki.
All the cool kids are over it, and selling all their tiki decor.


Don't laugh - I actually know a few 'Old Skool TC-er's' that are doing that very thing. Sad, but true.

(However, I am hoping to benefit as they start to unload their decor!)

Sadly, Puka bar is closed.

We really don't have much Tiki left behind the Orange curtain these days
while they are a few cool home Tiki Lounges, Nothing in the scope of Bongofury or Murph's places
my own is modest & unable to accommodate a large crowd comfortably.

If we made a list, What places would we add to it?
Besides "Don's" of course.


Trader Sam's.

Sorry Boris, I should have added that with Don's at the top.

We could go hang out in the empty lot that was once Kona Lanes.

Empty lot Tiki Party!

So funny,I drive by there almost daily & say to myself, Damn,I wish it was still there.
And that cool Googie bank building that was on the other side of Harbor Blvd.



On 2012-07-09 15:46, Luckydesigns wrote:
We could go hang out in the empty lot that was once Kona Lanes.

Now look Spike, you made Big Kahuna cry! :evil: :evil: :evil: and a :drink:

OK so Maybe OC does kinda suck.


JOHN-O posted on Mon, Jul 9, 2012 9:33 PM

I've been saying that for years. :D :D :D

Tiki Bar wise yes,
but that still wouldn't get me to move into LA.


At least we got the history,It was cool in the 50s & 60s
but today, Not so much...

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