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Cherry Capri's New Mailing List

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Hi there everybody!

Just wanted to let you know that the Thurston Howlies and I finally got ourselves a real live sign-in sheet / guest list on our website.

You can go through the front door and see the nifty drawing Shag did of us here http://www.cherrycapri.com/ or go just directly to the sign-in contact page: http://www.cherrycapri.com/join.php

We promise not to send out too many emails - just an occasional reminder of a show or other various special events. And your name/info will never be shared in any way.

If you don't sign up - you might never find out the details of an upcoming free showcase by the Howlies! ooo... maybe sometime around International Tiki Day... Is that bait enough?

See you all soon!


[ Edited by: Cherry Capri on 2003-06-23 02:47 ]

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