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Pottery Barn goes Poly Pop!

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I'm probably behind the curve (and the rest of you), but I noticed this weekend that Pottery Barn seems to have a large variety of polynesian pop themed items.

It's strange to go from having an odd sense of style to being mainstream!


I stopped and did a double-take when I saw the window displays at Pottery Barn featuring pillows and dining ware with Hula Girls and "Tiki Den" graphics! She-e-e-e-t!

I just checked their website, but there's nothing there, yet.

Well, Tikis are now mainstream...Time to pack it in? NOT BY A LONG SHOT! Have mercy on my soul--I'm addicted.

I was checking out my local Pottery Barn viewing all the great Hawaiiana items. On the coffee table was the Book Of Tiki. They had a stack for sale. Way to go Sven.

Never you fear, everybody... We're still the ones that have the real Tiki relics... These PB trifles are mere accent pieces for us and a vain attempt at style by clown-box living suburban simps. Glad to see the 2nd run of BOTs are out, though. :)

"Those who think conventionally will never read my thoughts..." - The Black Lizard

[ Edited by: Frenchy on 2002-04-29 11:04 ]

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