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Southpark - Going native... Anyone senn this episode?!?

Pages: 1 4 replies

Hi :wink:

There is a episode on southpark... Going native... Where butters returns to hawaii for a ceremony.
Kenny goes inside an old building, where he meets the spirit of the king :wink:

There are banners on the floor... And thats my question: are this typical banners, do they have a special name? I'd like to make wall tattoos but i cant find pictures as long as i dont know, what i'm searching for :wink:

Maybe someone could help me!

Thanks very much!

Michael :wink:

[ Edited by: Bigbamboo.cc 2013-03-17 12:22 ]


This might be one of the more unusual first posts...

Michael, is this what you are talking about?

Search for the word "tapa" and you will find plenty. There are several posts here on Tiki Central of people who have painted tapa designs on their walls, floors, etc by various means.

(hilarious SouthPark episode :lol: )

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