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Black velvet artist Stevens?

Pages: 1 13 replies


Any thoughts. The store is asking $350

GROG posted on Tue, Mar 26, 2013 3:59 PM

GROG think it look better right side up.

I would say the gentlemen in the painting is of Mexican origin
and not Hawaiian/Pacific Islander...Ole!


I've been told the artist is Aboriginal and this is his only black velvet

"Aboriginal" as in Australia or the Yaqui Indians of Mexico?

I wouldn't pay $350 for a black velvet painting that didn't have a nice set of hooters on it :P

On 2013-03-26 19:31, MadDogMike wrote:
I wouldn't pay $350 for a black velvet painting that didn't have a nice set of hooters on it :P

SO glad to see your standards are still set high my friend :)


Did you say Hooters?


Do you take paypal?

Arise, thread!

Picked up this beauty at an estate sale a few weeks ago. While searching for further information on the artist, I discovered this old thread. Apparently, the artist painted at least two black velvets?

See? Hooters! :lol:

![this is an image](Uploading F4C76ED3-730B-467B-84BD-D8FDC726B6E8.jpeg…)

I cant figure out how to post a photo but i also have a black velvet by this artist. Its quite large. 6’ x 2’. Its of a nude woman laying on her side. Ethnicity looks to be possibly latin, cuban? This thread is the only info I’ve been able to find with this distinct “Stevens” signature. Wish i could find more about the artist. Any info? [email protected]

I have a Stevens black velvet also! This thread is the only information I can find online about the artist. If you see this and have more info to share please contact me. [email protected]

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