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Tiki Central / Tiki Gallery

Paintings of Hula Girls and Hawaiian Kings

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Please come see this wonderful painting of East Coast painter Ed Bisese!! He has brought out 24 of these lovely paintings! Each painting is acrylic on canvas and they are each 12" x 12". They are $200. each, please contact gallery if interested.
Reception: 2nd Saturday, June 8th 6-9pm Open to the Public

WHEN: June 8 - July 10 Tu-Sat: 1 pm-3pm, or by appointment


Email: [email protected]

Shimo Art Gallery Hours: Tuesday thru Saturday 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Address: 2117 28th Street, Sacramento CA 95818

Tel: 916-706-1162

Please see this link for a preview of the show. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151642455081253.1073741832.572546252&type=1&l=8be5281039

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