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Tiki Central / General Tiki

T3 TIKI????

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Kudos to James Cameron!!!

It probably was noted in Tiki News Years ago... and I may be a bit out of the know...

But while doing a little ‘pre T3’ research...I find that.....

The Great ‘John Conner’... Hero of the Future and all man kind waassss...

Conceived in a “TIKI MOTEL”......

Mostly Helvetica Signage (sandwich board even) as they check in but ‘Tiki Motel’ was mentioned a few times and a shot of some sign, all lit up, is shown predominatly as Arnold gives chase for the climax after the climax, you might say.

just a note for others unaware... and to think this was one of my favorite moves growing up.....


Hey Al, I just posted about T3 here:


check it out.

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