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Tiki Republic tikis

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Aloha to my carving brothers an sisters. I've been concentrating on learning the tiki mug process since I've been on TC. Although I have yet to comment in this section I have been following and enjoying every post. I started carving a few years ago and still do it when I get time. I just finished the Marguesan tiki a few days ago. I also transformed my backyard into my own utopian island. I'll post images in the backyard tiki bar section.

This is a shot of some of the tikis that I've carved on the deck and canopy that I also built in...Arizona. The backyard use to be desert landscaped. I didn't need to be reminded of how freakin hot it gets here so I decided to do something about that.

This is me with my first attempt at carving a full body tiki. It's about 5 feet.

This is is my rendition of that ol Rollin Stones poster with the waggin tongue, lol. Whassssuuuup! I like to notice and incorporate the bark in my tikis when ever possible.

This is my retro 60's look. It's about 3 feet tall and my favorite. I've started transforming the backyard in the background.

This is a group shot of some of the first tikis that I carved. My rendention of the Frankoma War God on the far right.

This is the 5ft Marquesan tiki that I finished a few days ago while I was waiting for some tiki mugs to be fired.

Mahalo for checkin it out, Pierre

[ Edited by: Tiki Republic 2014-03-02 13:24 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Republic 2014-03-02 13:47 ]

cy posted on Sun, Mar 2, 2014 2:26 PM

Welcome aboard Tiki Republic, cool tikis and environment indeed!

Thanks Dan or Wendy. I'm familiar with your posts in the mug category. I really admire your work with the tiki mugs. You guys make me wanna jump on a flight to Sacremento to visit and learn what I can from you. Pierre


looks like you're havin' fun. 8)

is that you in the pic bro?

Yep, that's moi! I went to town on that backyard. I'll post pics in the backyard bar section tomorrow. I have a beach party once a year that my friends ask me about all year round. Guess they need to get their island on real bad, lol!

DHTiki posted on Mon, Mar 3, 2014 9:29 AM

Nice job on the tikis, and good looking back yard.

We've got a couple things in common - we both live in the Phoenix area and both have dreads!

Keep up the good work...

amate posted on Mon, Mar 3, 2014 11:47 AM

You've some good carves going AND a nice quiver of surfboards as well. Looks like a great place to hand out.

Busy busy
Keep it up



nice carves and awesome backyard! love the marq!

After two freakin years of learnining on how to make tiki mugs I decided to get some carvin in. Not that I don't love the the mugs that I created, I just needed to get some carving outta my system.

This 6 footer has been sittin in my backyard curing for 3 years.

Left side

Right side.


[ Edited by: Tiki Republic 2014-09-08 19:31 ]


Nice Work


Nice Work!!!!


that last one looks kinda familiar!

I recently did one just like it. lol..

Thanks Nice Work! I like what you're doin as well. The ice bears, ice tikis, food carvings...all your stuff. Glad to see another tikiphile jump in. If you're lookin for more inspiration check out Tiki Magazine. Welcome aboard.

PJC5150, I like what you and 4WDTiki do. I am pushing myself to a new limits as appose to just knocking out generic tikis. There's a huge and growing Polynesian community out here. I wanna pay them respect by creating tikis that they would like to have. That last piece was just practice to what I'm about to start on.

Bill Collins if your reading this let me know. I'm an airline employee and can find my way to Lihue just to check your work out in person.


My computer took a crap just after I posted the last tiki. I've carved a couple of tikis since then due to gettin ready for the Aloha Festival comin in March. This is the only one that I have on this iPad. I have been enjoying everyone else's posts via my phone though. Keep the tikis comin!

I'll post more of the others when I'm back in business!


[ Edited by: Tiki Republic 2015-01-13 18:09 ]


awesome work!

Thanks nicework. I've been diggin your work as well. I'm up at 3:45 am to be at work by 5am. I work 10 hour days now. I wish I had more time in a day to carve. I'm pushing forward though.I'll be knockin out more here real soon. Committing to a booth at a Polynesian Festival in March has me pumped. Keep up the good work. Your experience as an ice carver shows in your work. I liked the recent one with the frog. That waz tha shiznit!

I've been busy spendin time at the grind, building a website, creating a fb page, blogging and hustling to promote Tiki Republic. That didn't keep me from viewing what you guys have been up to though. It also didn't keep me from carvin. I've tried to expand my skills by carving in different styles.

Side shot of a Marquesan. I put down the chainsaw and picked up the chisels for this one. Thanks for the influence 4WDtiki.

Front shot of the Marq.

This was from looking at Doug Hornes work too much.

A quick freestyle retro.

Easter Isle.


First attempt at a Marquesan bust.

I didn't like the eyes and the mouth was too wide. I studied images and tried again with the Marq up top.

This was just freestyle. Reminds me of what a Chihuahua would look like if it was a tiki, lol.

Side shot to show the chisel detail.

Mahalo y'all.

[ Edited by: Tiki Republic 2015-04-13 20:44 ]


Nice stuff TR!! Hard to get any carving done when ya work for a livin huh?

Big T, I just went through all your pages and was very impressed. There are a lot ideas there that I have in my head. I have a stash of palms that I'll be carving into full body Hawaiian and Marqs similar to what you've done but on a larger scale.
Work does get in my way but I get a lot of energy carvin so I organize my time better in order to do both.

Some of the goodies that I've been working on lately.


You've got something for every one there.
Nice job.

Thanks will carve. I don't know what to expect at this event so I did something as you mentioned...something for everyone.

After spending time away working on designing the website, blog, designing the Tiki Republic mug and other stuff I decided to get back to what started it all.

A palm tree had gotten too tall but more importantly the roots had started to crack the pool. They owners had that bad boy cut down but told the trimmer to leave 8 feet.

They then contacted me and wanted to know if I could carve an 8 foot Easter Island moai on site. I checked it and even though it was about 8 inches off the back wall I was all in.

I was in a zone and this was about 3 hours later.

When it was finally done they named it "Dumb Dumb".

[ Edited by: Tiki Republic 2016-05-09 13:16 ]


A tall one, good job looks great.

I haven't been posting on TC because I got super busy designing my own site Tiki Republic, fb page, carvin, kickin out a tiki mug... I also work for a major airline and been jumpin globally. Check out the tiki bar that I ran across in Italy. It's in my blog page at Tiki Republic.
Ran into Cy at Tiki Oasis this year and he told me to post more pics so here it goes. Oh yeah, I have about 50 pics of Tiki Oasis 2016 on my fb page Tiki Republic by Pierre Mosley. I would post them on TC but it would take too long to repost them all here. Enjoy.

Some of the retro tikis that I carved for Oasis this year.

It's not 115 degrees outside anymore. Arizona summers are a biatch for carvers! It's down to 100 this week so got some carvin in. Just finished this Marquesan Fertility God.

Tiki photbomb!

As always, mahalo.

[ Edited by: Tiki Republic 2016-09-06 19:29 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Republic 2016-09-06 19:30 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Republic 2016-09-06 19:35 ]

cy posted on Wed, Sep 7, 2016 5:38 PM

Atta boy TR, work looks great, but it was better to see in person! Enjoyed meeting you.

Newest Hawaiian tiki. It's about 3 feet tall.
Mahalo for looking.

Sea god Tangora from the Cook Islands.




Those are looking good.

Tango Lookin good

Six foot Hawaiian "Warrior" tiki.

Picked up the traditional Hawaiian war weapon while in the islands earlier this year.

Grrrr! The tiki and his maker getting our island on.

Just some of the goodies that I've been getting ready for the Arizona Aloha Festival, Tempe, Arizona, March 11-12. It's a free event from 10a to 5p both days. http://www.azalohafest.org

You can find me at:



Oh yeah, the Tiki Republic mugs have been excavated from the jungles and are available at the website. I'll also have them at the Arizona Aloha Fest.

Lookin Good Bruddah
Keep it up

The Arizona heat, 100 degrees easily doesn't stop the focused carvers.



It's hot as hell in Arizona. The temperature outside has finally dropped below 110 degrees. I was outside starting to hallucinate thinking that I was in Hawaii. I then started feelin tribal before I passed out. This is what I found when I came to.



Nice work Pierre, don't know how u do it in this heat!

amate posted on Wed, Sep 13, 2017 5:37 AM

Nice job on the mug!

Newest member of the Tiki Republic.

This is a hand carved Hawaiian tiki from Mexican Fan Palm. Like many of the tikis you see displayed in the islands, this is a tiki complete with the tribal designs on the back.

On the front is a tiki face. Tikis generally represent protection. I gave this one a large nose for sniffing, meaning it can sense danger before seeing it.

On the back is a large tribal design at the top resembling an upside down bush. This is the Hawaiian symbol for royalty.

The row of small curls symbols are named Koru. Koru represent harmony and new beginnings.

Polynesians highly regard the ocean as their final destination when they pass away, therefore the ocean can represent death and the afterlife. The ocean has a dual meaning in that it also represents a food source, fertility, and persistence. The ocean is the complete lifecycle.

The Spearheads are common images used to express courage, dominance and willpower.

When the tribal designs a placed adjacent to one another they create greater meanings.

I consider myself a student of tiki and of Polynesian tatu. I have a lot of friends from the Hawaiian islands, Tonga, Samoa, New Zealand the Philippines and more. Learning as much as I can about the different islands keeps me continually searching for accurate information. As asked, I then try to pass that information along to educate the masses in what they're looking at when they see my tikis. Anything less is disrespect to all of them.

You can find me at http://www.tikirepublic.com, on fb as Tiki Republic by Pierre Mosley and I'll post the tikis here as well.

Mahalo, Pierre


Nice stuff Pierre. Love the tone of your stains. And the leaf work on that mug - awesome!

Thanks BigT, I wanted a mug that had multiple colors and a lot of detail. It's suppose to resemble a tiki coming outta the utopian jungles of the Tiki Republic. I also named it "Outta the Jungle" as a metaphor. With the detail and multi colors, hopefully it will stand at in the jungle of collectors tiki mug collections.
Just havin fun with it.
As far as the stains go, I just use a clear polyurethane sealant from Home Depot on the tiki's when I'm done. I don't know what the actual color will be until the sealant hits the wood.

[ Edited by: Tiki Republic 2017-10-07 07:53 ]

Just finished this bad boy. I would like to dedicate it to all my friends from Hawaii and to those into the island lifestyle. As much as I hate to see it go it has already found an island home in the valley (Phoenix, Arizona). #tikirepublic #badasstikis #hawaiiantiki #arizonacarver

You can find me on fb at Tiki Republic by Pierre Mosley, at http://www.tikirepublic.com, on twitter, pinterest and Instagram as tiki republic. I'm a busy fool, lol.

cy posted on Thu, Nov 16, 2017 10:46 AM

Nice work TR!

Startin to gear up fo festival season.

Here's a few of the carvings while I've been away.

  1. Dual Hawaiian
  2. Full body tiki
  3. Island themed dining table base
  4. 15 foot backyard Hawaiian themed carve
  5. Coco Palms themed end table

Gotta go, gettin ready for the 2023 Arizona Tiki Oasis. Mahalo


[ Edited by Tiki Republic on 2023-04-23 17:50:48 ]

[ Edited by Tiki Republic on 2023-04-23 17:54:03 ]

Nice stuff. Good job.

Love the degree of detail on these. Spectacular is an understatement!

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