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Viva Las Vegas 2015

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Viva Las Vegas is rapidly approaching. Is anyone attending? I will be there with Mr. Tikigoddess, looking forward to it.

Ive always toyed with there idea of going,
but the price, has always been a bit of a deterrent.
Now that I have a friend that lives in Vegas, that I could crash at his pad to save Money.
Its the first time that there is no surf.
So not much incentive for me to go.


zond2 posted on Wed, Mar 25, 2015 8:50 PM

We 3 will be there on Saturday

bumping this up, anyone going besides me and Mr. TikiGoddess? I am fresh off of smashing one of my mugs while cleaning it and I need some VLV big time.

It's my first time going to VLV, but I have spent plenty if time in Vegas and at the Orleans.

Cool, hope you have a great time. Im hopefully getting tix to the burlesque show to see Dita, and will be at hillbilly fest on Sun night. Four days of rockabilly mayhem for me and Mr. Tikigoddess. Im packing my vintage Hawaiian dresses also, to add some tiki flair to the experience.

[ Edited by: TikiGoddess 2017-04-09 17:01 ]

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