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Tiki Central / Locating Tiki

The Tikis, monterey park, CA (other)

Pages: 1 6 replies


Name:The Tikis
Street:1975 n. potrero drive
City:monterey park

what happened to the tikis? pretty sure they show it in the plastic paradise documentary but now there is this...



i skipped through the pages, didnt see anything about demolition....


^ is what i meant to say, not plastic paradise

The Monterey Park location closed in the late 1970s, and it moved to Lake Elsinore. All contemporary photos in my books and the BBC docu footage was shot at Lake Elsinore, where it eventually devolved into: http://www.jungle-island.com




Ok so it's been gone from Monterey for a very long time. How did he move all that stuff and why?

*also what happened to all the tikis and decorations?

[ Edited by: nomeus 2015-06-23 13:44 ]

They got kicked out. It got too rowdy there for the neighbors, with people parking on the gravestones of the cemetery across the way.

They only moved all the Tikis (the big one must have been a mother) - the rest was all poured concrete, and everything was reconstructed and sculpted anew in Lake Elsinore. Then it never re-opened.

I mounted two expeditions to there, in 1993 and in 1994 - on that last one, many Tikis had been claimed by the people that Danny owed money to, like "The Sea" store in San Pedro, but we got a couple of good ones that he was selling off.

When he was finally evicted from the place Danny toppled the giant Tiki to brake it.

By the time the paint ball place took over, all Tikis "had left the building".

R.I.P., Danny Balsz

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2015-06-25 08:05 ]


thanks for chiming in, sven

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